Define the State Tax Jurisdiction Through Element Entry

For this example, you're defining the Payroll Waterfront Tax employer liability for the following jurisdictions.

  • New Jersey at 2 percent gross wages

  • New York at 1.85 percent gross wages

Because this tax has multiple jurisdictions, you don't predefine the states or deduction percentages on the fast formula. Instead, you identify both on the employee's element entry.

This involves the following high-level steps.

  1. Define and configure the elements.

  2. Configure the fast formulas.

  3. Configure balances.

  4. Create element entries.

  5. Validate tax calculations.

  6. Extract the payroll data.

Define and configure the elements

To define your element for this employer state localized tax:

  1. Define the state tax element, Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax.

  2. Configure the element's input values.

  3. Configure the state tax results element, Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Results.

Define the state tax element

To define the base element:

  1. Start the Elements task.

  2. Create an Employer Taxes element with these settings.


    What you enter

    Legislative Data Group

    Your US legislative data group


    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax

    Primary Classification

    Employer Taxes

    Secondary Classification

    Leave blank

    Employment Level

    Payroll relationship level

    Calculation Rule


  3. Enter the other required fields as needed, and submit.

Configure the element input values

After you define the element, you define an input value that identifies the jurisdiction to be at the state level.

  1. On the Element Summary page, click Input Values.

  2. Click Actions and then Create Input Values.

  3. In Create Input Value, set these values.

    Field name

    What you enter





    Allow User Entry


    Create a Database Item


    Unit of Measure


    Display Sequence


  4. In Default Entry Values and Validation, set this value.

    Field name

    What you enter



  5. Click Save.

  6. Review all other input values.

    Make sure none of them use a display sequence of 1. If they do, renumber them appropriately.

    Don't create element eligibility until after you have configured the input values.

  7. Create the element eligibility.

Configure the state tax results element

When you defined the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax element, the template automatically created a results element, Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Results. Make the following configuration changes to this element.

  1. Using the Elements task, search for and open for editing the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Results element.

  2. Set the priority to 6255. This ensures the payroll process:

    • Runs the results element after the base element

    • Makes the results element available for selection when setting the formula results (see the next section)

  3. Create a State input value with the same settings as the base element.

  4. Review all other input values.

    Make sure none of them use a display sequence of 1. If they do, renumber them appropriately.

  5. Create a Gross Earnings input value with the following values.

    Field name

    What you enter



    Allow User Entry


    Create Database Item


    Unit of Measure


Configure the fast formulas

When you define the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax base element, the template creates these fast formulas.

  • Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax_CHG_DEDN

  • Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax_CHG_DEDN_CALCULATOR

Edit these fast formulas to identify the jurisdiction is at the state level.

  1. Use the Fast Formula task to modify the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax_CHG_DEDN formula to pass the jurisdiction input value to the calculator formula.

    Edit this formula to make these changes.

    1. Locate the INPUTS are Amount section, and add a ,State(number) entry after it.

    2. Locate the call_formula( 'GLB_DEDN_CHG_BASE' section, and insert this immediately before it.

      ee_id2 = ee_id ||'State'
      IF (WSA_EXISTS(ee_id2,'TEXT_TEXT')) THEN
        (  ee_array = WSA_GET(ee_id2, EMPTY_TEXT_TEXT) )
        (  ee_array['State'] = to_char(State)
         dummy = PAY_INTERNAL_LOG_WRITE('[PAYROLL_WATERFRONT_EMPLOYER_TAX_CHG_DEDN] - 999 : ' || to_char(State))
          wsa_set(ee_id2, ee_array))
    3. Locate the IF error_mesg section, and modify it to include a state reference.

      Return error_mesg, state

    4. Submit and compile the formula.

  2. Modify the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax_CHG_DEDN_CALCULATOR formula to pass the jurisdiction input values.

    Edit this formula to make these changes.

    1. At the end of the declaration section, add this line.

    2. After the INPUTS section, add this line.

    3. Search for the call_formula( 'GLB_DEDN_CHG_CALC' section. Locate these lines at the end of the call_formula section.


      After these lines, insert this.

      ee_id2 = ee_id||'State'
      IF (WSA_EXISTS(ee_id2,'TEXT_TEXT')) THEN
        (  ee_array = WSA_GET(ee_id2, EMPTY_TEXT_TEXT)
          IF ee_array.EXISTS('State') THEN
        ( state = to_number(ee_array['State'] )
    4. Search for the RETURN statements that include dedn_amt, and add these lines at the end of each.

    5. Submit and compile the formula.

  3. Return to the Elements task.

  4. Make these changes to the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Calculator element.

    1. Select Status Processing Rules, and select the current rule.

    2. Create a formula result rule to pass ELIGIBLE_COMPENSATION as an indirect result. Pass this result to the Gross Earnings input value of the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Results element.

    3. Create a formula result rule to pass STATE as an indirect result to the State input value of the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Results element.

Configure the Balances

After you configure the fast formulas, you define the balances necessary for this tax.

  1. Define the state tax balances.

  2. Implement the balances at the enterprise level.

Define the state tax balances

Define and configure the required balances.

  1. Use the Balance Definitions task to define a Reduced Subject Wages balance.

    Field name

    What you enter


    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Reduced Subject Wages

    Balance Category

    Employer Tax Wages

    Unit of Measure


    Balance Dimensions

    Because this is a state-level tax, search for and add the following.

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Run

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Year to Date

    • Relationship Tax Unit, Area1 Payslip

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Quarter to Date

    Balance Feeds by Element

    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Results

    Input Value

    Gross Earnings

  2. Define a Taxable Wages balance.

    Field name

    What you enter


    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Taxable Wages

    Balance Category

    Employer Tax Wages

    Unit of Measure


    Balance Dimensions

    Because this is a state-level tax, search for and add the following.

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Run

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Year to Date

    • Relationship Tax Unit, Area1 Payslip

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Quarter to Date

    Balance Feeds by Element

    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Results

    Input Value

    Gross Earnings

  3. Define a Gross Wages balance.


    What you enter


    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Gross Wages

    Balance Category

    Employer Tax Wages

    Unit of Measure


    Balance Dimensions

    Because this is a state-level tax, search for and add the following.

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Run

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Year to Date

    • Relationship Tax Unit, Area1 Payslip

    • Relationship Tax Unit,State Quarter to Date

    Balance Feeds by Element

    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Results

    Input Value

    Gross Earnings

  4. Configure the predefined Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Eligible Comp balance.

    Make these changes.

    1. Add these balance classifications as feeds.

      • Regular

      • Supplemental Earnings

      • Imputed Earnings

    2. Add these balance dimensions.

      • Relationship Tax Unit,State Run

      • Relationship Tax Unit,State Year to Date

      • Relationship Tax Unit, Area1 Payslip

      • Relationship Tax Unit,State Quarter to Date

  5. Add the same balance dimensions to the predefined Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax balance.

Implement the balances at the enterprise level

Perform these steps to implement the balances you configured in the previous section. This makes them available for payroll archival and reporting.

  1. Start the Enterprise HCM Information task.

  2. Add a row to the US Balance Definition table, and enter these values.

    Field name

    What you enter

    Legislative Data Group

    Your US legislative data group

    Archive Level



    Reduced Subject Wages

    Balance Name

    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Reduced Subject Wages

    Tax Code




    Report Usage

    Periodic and Quarterly

  3. Add a row to the US Balance Definition table, and enter these values.

    Field name

    What you enter

    Legislative Data Group

    Your US legislative data group

    Archive Level



    Taxable Wages

    Balance Name

    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Taxable Wages

    Tax Code




    Report Usage

    Periodic and Quarterly

  4. Add a row to the US Balance Definition table, and enter these values.


    What you enter

    Legislative Data Group

    Your US legislative data group

    Archive Level



    Withheld or Liability

    Balance Name

    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax

    Tax Code




    Report Usage

    Periodic and Quarterly

  5. Add a row to the US Balance Definition table, and enter these values.


    What you enter

    Legislative Data Group

    Your US legislative data group

    Archive Level



    Total Wage or Gross

    Balance Name

    Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax Gross Wages

    Tax Code




    Report Usage

    Periodic and Quarterly

    Note: As this tax applies to multiple states, you enter the new element on your employee with an appropriate State input value for each. This ensures the tax filing processes prefix the tax code with the state codes. For example, NJPAYTAX1_ER and NYPAYTAX1_ER.

Create element entries

After you configure the required balances, use the Element Entries task to create element entries for each employee subject to this tax.

  1. Start the Element Entries task for the selected employee.

  2. Select the effective date for your new entry.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Select the Payroll Waterfront Employer Tax element.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. Select either New Jersey or New York as the state, whichever is appropriate for the employee.

  7. In Percentage, enter 2.0 for New Jersey employees or 1.85 for New York employees.

  8. Click Submit.

Validate tax calculations

Use these steps to validate your new Payroll Waterfront Tax for New Jersey and New York.

  1. Run your payroll.

  2. Upon completion, check the Statement of Earnings run results.

    For further info, see How to View the Statement of Earnings for the US in the Help Center.

  3. Verify the tax was calculated correctly and the State and Gross Earnings input values were correctly populated.

Extract the payroll data

For complete info about third-party tax reporting, refer to the US Third-Party Tax Filing Interface technical brief.

To extract the state tax data in preparation for submitting to a third-party tax filing agent.

  1. Run prepayments.

    For further info, see Calculate and Validate Payroll Payment Distributions for the US in the Help Center.

  2. Run the periodic archive.

    For further info, see Archive Periodic Payroll Results for the US in the Help Center.

  3. Run the Third-Party Periodic Tax Filing Extract.

    For further info, see Oracle Cloud Human Capital Management for United States: Third-Party Tax Filing Interface (1594079.1) on My Oracle Support.

  4. Check the output file.

    Verify the following.

    • Correct TAX CODE appears in the file

    • All four balances you defined were passed on one record for tax code NJPAYTAX1_ER

    • All four balances you defined were passed on one record for tax code NYPAYTAX1_ER

  5. Run the Third-Party Quarterly Tax Filing Extract process to verify your state tax data.