How Expedited Processing Works

When an employee submits a modified time card after you have run payroll, you would want to expedite their payments.

To accommodate missed payments because of late time cards, absences, or time card errors, process the payroll of employees through expedited payroll runs. Use the Expedited Payroll Flow to process all time card and absence category earnings you have marked as eligible for expedited processing.

The application processes the expedited runs in the current period for retroactive adjustments to time cards that are already processed in the prior periods. You must process these expedited payments after the regular payroll run from the previous payroll cycle, but before the regular payroll run on the current payroll cycle.

An employee can have multiple time cards marked for expedited processing on the same day. The application processes all such time card entries in the same expedited run and pays employees through a single payment.

Settings that Affect Expedited Processing

Here are the settings that affect expedited payments:

  • Time cards that are identified and marked for expedited processing

  • Expedited Processing Rule option on the element

  • Additional values for time and absence elements:

    • Expedite

    • Override Payment Method

    • Override Check Printer

  • Expedite Payroll parameter on the payroll run

  • Override Payslip Availability Date on the Generate Payslips process

How Expedited Payments Are Calculated

An employee can't mark their own time cards for expedited processing. So as a manager, use Oracle HCM Cloud Time and Labor to identify time cards that come in late or have errors, and mark them for expedited processing. Mark only those time cards for a period where payroll is already run, and not those for current period. The next expedited processing run includes payments corresponding to such time card entries. The application resets the time card to the default regular payroll run, after it processes every change to the card. If another expedited run is necessary, mark the time for expedited processing again. You can also mark an absence entry for expedited run, but only on a time card.

Expedited processing includes prior period adjustments to time, absence, and mandatory elements like taxes and percentage-based deductions. By default, the expedited run includes all the element entries for those employees who have an expedited time card. But if you want to exclude elements like salary or flat amount-based deductions from expedited run, set the Expedited Processing Rule option on the elements.

These values of time card and absence elements determine which element entries are eligible for expedited processing and payments.


Use To


Determine if this time card or absence entry corresponding to prior pay period adjustment needs to be included for expedited processing.

If you leave this value blank or set to No, the regular payroll run picks up the payroll entries.

If set this value to Yes, the application includes the retroactive payroll entry for expedited processing.

Override Payment Method

Override the payment method on the Prepayments and QuickPay Prepayments process to Check. You can select this value only for time cards that you have marked for expedited processing.

If you leave this value blank, the employees are paid by their default payment method, either through check or electronic funds transfer.

Override Check Printer

Track the check printer for the expedited time cards that are paid through check. The application ignores the Override Check Printer value if the employee isn't paid by check.

The Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes task in the Expedited Payroll Flow generates retroactive element entries for the prior pay period adjustments. The retroactive element entries retain the expedited payroll values on the time card. The expedited run includes retroactive entries of only those time cards that you have marked for expedited processing.

Select the Expedite Payroll value as Yes on the payroll run to identify the run as an expedited run. The run includes all employees who have at least one expedited processing entry on their time card.

For expedited payments, the employees don't have to wait for their payslips until the next regular payroll cycle. They can view their payslips at a date earlier than the regular payslip availability date. Set the Override Payslip Availability Date to a date earlier than the regular payslip availability date that you have defined in the standard payroll calendar.