How You Perform a Global Transfer Using HCM Data Loader

This topic explains how to perform global transfers for both primary and nonprimary work relationships using HCM Data Loader. A global transfer is a permanent transfer from one legal employer to another.

It results in the termination of an existing work relationship and the creation of a new one. The termination date of the existing work relationship is one day prior to the start date of the new work relationship.

Performing a Global Transfer on a Primary Work Relationship

By default, the global transfer is applied to the primary work relationship. To perform a global transfer, you simply load the new Work Relationship component with all its child components. The new work relationship must have:

  • A GlobalTransferFlag attribute set to Y

  • An action code from the EMPL_GLB_TRANSFER action type

  • A start date value that's the date of the global transfer

Don't include the work relationship that you're terminating. That work relationship is terminated automatically.

The termination and creation of the work relationships are validated to ensure data consistency. In particular, a worker can't be left with only an active, nonprimary work relationship. Therefore, if the worker has two active work relationships, you can't perform the global transfer on the primary one. You must make the primary work relationship nonprimary before you attempt the global transfer.

Performing a Global Transfer on a Nonprimary Work Relationship

A worker can have multiple nonprimary work relationships. Therefore, when you perform a global transfer of a nonprimary work relationship, you must supply additional information so that the correct work relationship is terminated. To perform the global transfer on a nonprimary work relationship, you must also supply:

  • The parent Worker component.

  • The nonprimary work relationship that you're terminating. However, don't include:

    • Any child records for the terminated work relationship

    • The GlobalTransferFlag attribute

These records are in addition to those that you supply for a global transfer of a primary work relationship.

Performing a Global Temporary Assignment

These are the restrictions that apply to the loading of global temporary assignments using HCM Data Loader.

When you create a global temporary assignment in the employment pages, two data rows are created:

  • One row is created for the global temporary assignment.
  • One row is added to the base assignment, which is suspended.

Both rows have the same action occurrence ID, which is defined by the application.

When you end the global temporary assignment in the UI, two further data rows are created:

  • One row is created for the end global temporary assignment.
  • One row is added to the base assignment, which becomes active on the day following the end date of the temporary assignment.

Both rows have the same action occurrence ID.

In HDL, the same UI behavior can't be replicated when you load data for a global temporary assignment. You need to provide data for both, the base and the new assigment in the base work relationship. Similarly, when you end a global temporary assignment, you need to provide data for the source and target work relationship.

Note: If you end a global temporary assignment from the employment pages on an assignment row which was created using HDL, the source work relationship won't be automatically activated as the two work relationships don't share the same action occurence ID.

Updating Person-Name Legislation Codes

When you perform a global transfer, the new work relationship may have a legislation code that's new for the person. In this case, you may want to update the legislation code for the person name. The person-name legislation code is validated against all available work-relationship legislation codes. Therefore, the change to the work relationship must occur before the change to the person name. You can update the legislation code in the person name in one of these ways:

  • Include the Worker object with no change in the same .dat file as the changes to the Person Name and Work Relationship components. In this case, changes to the work relationship are processed before changes to the person name.

  • Process updates to the work relationship before those to the person name.

Linking Source And Target Assignments When Performing A Global Transfer

You can change a worker's legal employer with HCM Data Loader using the GlobalTransferFlag on the work relationship object. These new attributes are added to the assignment object:

  • SourceAssignmentNumber

  • SourceAssignmentId

If the user doesn't include the value for SourceAssignmentNumber or SourceAssignmentId, then the primary assignment ID from the work relationship that's being terminated is defaulted as the source assignment ID. These are the conditions for validating the source assignment:

  • The assignment must belong to the person whose legal employer is being changed.

  • The source assignment must start before the global transfer date.

  • The source assignment must be active.

The example code below changes the legal employer for an existing worker who has only one work relationship and one assignment:


MERGE|WorkRelationship|HRC_SQLLOADER|WR-HDLWorker_111_1|HDLWorker_111_1|Vision Corporation|HDLWorker_111_1|1985/07/16|E|Y|Y|GLB_TRANSFER


MERGE|WorkTerms|HRC_SQLLOADER|WT-HDLWorker_111_1|GLB_TRANSFER||Vision Corporation|WT-NU-HDLWorker_111_1|WT-NA-HDLWorker_111_1|1985/07/16|4712/12/31|N|1|WR-HDLWorker_111_1|Employee|ACTIVE_NO_PROCESS|ET|202|0|Y|4712/12/31|1950/01/01


MERGE|Assignment|HRC_SQLLOADER|WA-HDLWorker_111_1|GLB_TRANSFER||Vision Corporation|WA-NU-HDLWorker_111_1|WA-NA-HDLWorker_111_1|1985/07/16|4712/12/31|N|1|WR-HDLWorker_111_1|WT-HDLWorker_111_1|Employee|ACTIVE_NO_PROCESS|E|202|0|Y|4712/12/31|1950/01/01|E34345588