Create Absence Types for Shared Parental Leave and Pay

Absence types need to be created to enter the absences for the shared parental pay and leaves.

You must create two absence types for ShPL absences:
  • ShPL for childbirth
  • ShPL for adoption

Perform the following steps to create shared parental leave and pay absence types:

  1. In the My Client Groups work area, select Absences > Absence Definitions > Absence Types.
  2. In the Absence Types page, click Create.
  3. In the Create Absence Type window, enter the effective date, 'United Kingdom' as the Legislation and 'Generic Absence' as the Pattern.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. In the Type Attributes tab, enter the required details for the absence type such as the name, Legislative Data Group, and others. Enter the other field values as shown below:
    UOM Calendar Days
    Legislative Grouping Code UK Shared Parental Leave Birth
    Status Active
    Partial Day Rule Not allowed
    Agreement selection Required
  6. Click the Plan and Reasons tab and click Select and Add.
  7. In the Select and Add Plan to Type window, select the plan that you created for the absence type. Ensure that the Status is 'Active' and the Priority is set to '1'.
    Note: Occupational plans can be added to the same absence type. Ensure that the priority number of the occupational plans is higher than that of the statutory plan. This ensures that the entitlement in the statutory plan is always calculated, irrespective of whether employees are eligible for Occupational plans or not.
  8. Click the Display Features tab, and ensure that the Open-ended feature, in the Dates and Duration section, is set to Do not display.
  9. Click Save and Close.