Create Certifications

Certifications can be generated manually or as mandated, as a result of absence processing.

To manage other types of documentation on the employee’s leave agreement (such as Curtailment Notice, Declaration of entitlement and Intention to take leave, Period of Leave notices), you must create certifications and associate them with leave agreement template, where applicable.

Perform the following steps to create Certifications:

  1. In the My Client Groups work area, select Absences > Absence Definitions > Absence Certifications.
  2. Click Create.
  3. In the Create Absence Certification, enter the attribute values as shown below:
    Classification Documentation
    Legislation United Kingdom
    Name As appropriate
    Absence Record Update None
    Status Active
    Trigger On demand
    Entitlement Not applicable
    Mark as confirmed when created Selected
    Note: None of the other sections are relevant to Documentation certification; default values can be applied.
  4. Click Save and Close.


After the certifications are created, they can be linked to the relevant leave agreement templates.