Create Placeholder Rate Definitions

A placeholder rate must be associated with the absence plan and the element, to trigger the calculation of the statutory rate.

Perform the following steps to create the placeholder rate definition:
  1. In the My Client Groups work area, select Absences > Formulas and Rates > Rate Definitions.
  2. In the Manage Rate Definitions page, click Create.
  3. In the Create Rate Definition window, select 'Derived Rate' as the Category, an effective start date that covers any absences you wish to enter and the appropriate Legislative Data Group.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Basic Details section, enter the Name Code and Short Name for the definition.
  6. Deselect the Reporting Required check box.
  7. In the Calculation section, click Create to add a new rate contributor.
  8. Select Contributor Type as Balance.
  9. In the Create Rate Contributor window, select 'Balance' as the Contributor Type.
  10. Click OK.
  11. In the Rate Contributor section that appears, select a Balance Name and Balance Dimension from the LOV lists.
    Note: You can select any balance as it is only a placeholder rate.
  12. Click Save and Continue.
  13. Click Submit.