Linking Letters

A Linking Letter is critical for Statutory Sick Pay entitlements, for which a document record needs to be created.

At the start of their employment, an employee could present a linking letter, which indicates that the employee has been receiving allowances directly from the Job Center. This impacts their entitlement to SSP. The employer does not have to pay SSP for sickness absences within 12 weeks of the date specified on the letter. After 12 weeks, the employer is obliged to pay the SSP again.

You can create a document record for linking letters. Use the predefined document type Job Center Linking Letter to do this.

Ensure that:
  • The From Date is the date indicated on the linking letter
  • The end date corresponds to the end of the 12-week period during which the employee is not entitled to SSP.
For any sickness record starting within that period, a certificate is automatically generated to indicate that SSP is not payable for this absence.