Manage Offsets

The occupational absence payments against statutory absence payments need to be offset.

By default, all the absence elements are processed and paid:
  • If both statutory payment elements and occupational payment elements are setup as absence elements, they will both be paid out to the employee.
  • If your policy is to pay statutory only when occupational is exhausted, or offset statutory from occupational, you must create Information elements, and modify the absence element processing rules to output the results to the Information element.
To offset occupational absence payments against statutory absence payments, set the occupational absence elements to a higher priority than the statutory absence elements. The default priority for the occupational payment elements is 1750. It is recommended you increase this by 10.

For further information, refer to Solution to Offset Statutory Absence Payments from Occupational Absence Payments (Doc ID 2258204.1) on My Oracle Support.