Add a Hyperlink on a Page

To share pertinent information, you can include external links as images or as text.

Before you start

Create a Sandbox and Make It Active

Here's what to do

  1. Go to Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.
  2. Enter your sandbox.
  3. Go to and open the page that you want to add external links to, such as Me > Benefits > Review Employee Resources.
  4. On the Settings and Actions menu, click Edit Pages.
  5. Confirm that the edit page header has Edit Layer: Site - SITE.
  6. On the View menu, select Source.
  7. Click the area where you want to add the external link, such as under the Announcement header.
  8. On the Confirm Shared Component Edit dialog box, click Edit.
  9. Add the external link.
    Here's how you can add it using an image:
    1. On the Source pane toolbar, click the Add content into the selected component icon.
    2. On the Add Content dialog box, in the Components row, click Open.
    3. In the Image row, click +Add.
    4. Click Close.
    5. On the page, click the Image component.
    6. On the Source pane toolbar, click the Show the properties of Image icon.
    7. On the Component Properties: Image dialog box, complete the appropriate fields, such as selecting the icon and setting a destination URL.
    8. Click Apply.
    9. Click OK.

    Here's how you can add it without an image:

    1. On the Source pane toolbar, click the Add content into the selected component icon.
    2. On the Add Content dialog box, in the Components row, click Open.
    3. In the Hyperlink row, click +Add.
    4. Click Close.
    5. On the page, click the Click edit icon to define hyperlink text.
    6. On the Source pane toolbar, click the Show the properties of Hyperlink icon.
    7. On the Component Properties: Hyperlink dialog box, complete the appropriate fields, such as setting the destination URL and the text.
    8. Click Apply.
    9. Click OK.
  10. To render your changes, on the page, click Close.
  11. To verify your changes, on the Sandbox Mode: Edit menu, select Preview as if Published (Context: All).
  12. To publish your changes, on the <YourSandboxName> menu, select Publish.