Add Text on the Enrollment Confirmation Page

To show additional important information, you can add text on the enrollment confirmation page. You can't directly add the text component in the space between sections, so you start by adding it to the total cost section. Then you reposition and configure the component.

Before you start

Create a Sandbox and Make It Active

Here's what to do

  1. Go to Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.
  2. Enter your sandbox.
  3. Go to and open the self-service enrollment confirmation page.
  4. On the Settings and Actions menu, click Edit Pages.
  5. Confirm that the edit page header has Edit Layer: Site - SITE.
  6. On the View menu, select Source.
  7. Add the text component.
    1. Click the total cost section.
    2. On the Confirm Shared Component Edit dialog box, click Edit.
    3. In the Source pane, click <>panelGroupLayout, if it's not already selected.
    4. On the Source pane toolbar, click the Add content into the selected component icon.
    5. On the Add Content dialog box, in the Components row, click Open.
    6. In the Text row, click +Add.
    7. Click Close.

    At this point, the text component should be added inside the total cost section.

  8. Reposition the text component.
    1. Click the new text component.
    2. On the Source pane toolbar, click the Cut this component icon.
    3. In the Source pane, click <>panelGroupLayout.
    4. On the toolbar, click the Paste the cut component > Paste Before icon.
    5. Confirm that the new text component is now just above the Coverage section.
  9. Configure the text of the new component.
    1. On the page View menu, select Design.
    2. In the new text component, click Edit Text.
    3. On the Component Properties: Text dialog box, complete the required edits.
    4. Click Done Editing.
  10. To render your changes, on the page, click Close.
  11. To verify your changes, on the Sandbox Mode: Edit menu, select Preview as if Published (Context: All).
  12. To publish your changes, on the <YourSandboxName> menu, select Publish.