How can I designate beneficiaries?

Designating beneficiaries is a two-step process in the Benefits work area, which you open by clicking Me - Benefits on the Home page.

  1. Add all contacts, beneficiary organizations, and trusts on the People to Cover page.

  2. When you have an opportunity to change your benefits, select specific benefits offerings and designate beneficiaries for those offerings.

    If you designate more than one beneficiary for an offering, enter the percentage of the total benefit to assign to each one.

    If your beneficiaries don't appear in the list of beneficiaries during benefit selection, return to the Overview page and add them as contacts.

Employees can designate or change beneficiaries using the anytime beneficiary flow for life events that are not visible in Self-Service Benefits. For example, you may not want employees to change enrollments from Self-Service Benefits but allow changes to beneficiary designations for events like salary change. You need to enable a quick action for employees to access the Change Beneficiaries page.