How can I view more details on the results of a benefits process?

In the Evaluation and Reporting work area, Monitor Process Request section, click the Report icon of the life event or enrollment process.

The Results section indicates the number of person records that:

  • Processed successfully

  • Didn't process

  • Processed with errors

If the person records processed with errors and you want to find out more, click the number indicating the number of records with errors. The following key fields appear depending on the process that was run:

  • Person details, such as number, name, processing status

  • Job details, such as name and process date

  • Life event name

  • Life event occurred date

  • Error message code

  • Error message

Experienced users can also look at the log file in the Monitor Process Request section. The log file provides in-depth details of each person record that was processed. To access the log file, you click the Log File icon of the process. In the window that appears, click the log file link to download it.