How You Enroll in Benefits

The benefits enrollment process consists of three major steps.

Participants should complete the steps in the following order:

This figure illustrates the sequence of tasks for the benefits enrollment process.

Open the self-service Benefits Service Center page by selecting Benefits under Me on the Navigator menu.

Add Contacts and Beneficiary Organizations

Before you start electing benefits, add or update all persons or organizations that you plan to designate as dependents or beneficiaries.

  • Add persons in the Contacts section.

  • Add beneficiary organizations or trusts in the Beneficiary Organizations section.

Provide all information required to determine the eligibility of each contact or organization. This ensures that the contacts and organizations are available for designation when you elect benefits.

Elect Benefits

Click Change Benefit Elections. This button is available only if an opportunity exists for you to make elections, such as:

  • During an open enrollment period

  • If you have a qualifying life event

Electing benefits involves:

  • Selecting benefits offerings

  • Designating beneficiaries and dependents as appropriate for each offering

Additional information, such as a contribution or investment amount, might be required, depending on the offering type.

When you finish making elections, you can review the information and make changes before submitting.

Review and Resolve Action Items

After submitting your elections, carefully review the Pending Action Items section to determine if you must:

  • Provide any additional information, such as proof of good health or other documents or certifications

  • Select a primary care physician

Note: Enrollment processing might suspend a benefits offering if you don't complete required action items. Contact your benefits department if you have any questions about resolving specific action items.