Options to Configure Open Enrollment Period

When you add an open scheduled event to a program or to plans not in program, you must specify the dates and enrollment rules for processing.

This topic discusses:

  • Adding the open scheduled event

  • Creating the enrollment period

    • Recommendations for enrollment period date and rule selections

    • Additional information about the assigned life event date selection

    • Additional information about the close enrollment period date rule selection

  • Selecting the reinstatement rule

Adding the Open Scheduled Event

To add the open event, in the Plan Configuration work area:

  1. Open the Enrollment page for the program or plan not in program.

  2. In the hierarchy, select the program or plan not in program, then select the Scheduled tab.

  3. Select Open from the list, which by default is set to create an Administrative event.

  4. In the Periods section, click Create.

  5. Create the enrollment period.

Creating the Enrollment Period

This table lists the configurable fields with a description and sample recommended value.

The sample dates assume an open enrollment period throughout the month of November, with the elections taking effect on January 1 of the following year.



Sample Recommended Values

Enrollment Period Start Date

First day of the open enrollment period.

November 1, 2015

Enrollment Period End Date

Last day of the open enrollment period.

November 30, 2015

Assign Defaults Date

Date on which default benefits assignments are made.

Typically, this is the same date as the open enrollment period start date so that participants can minimally see their waive or prior elections when enrolling.

November 1, 2015

Assigned Life Event Date

Effective date of the Open event. The date as of which eligibility is evaluated and rates are determined.

For the open event, this date is typically the first day of the new benefit year.

January 1, 2016

Processing Cutoff Date

The last day on which the benefits professional can make election changes on behalf of the participant.

December 15, 2015

Close Enrollment Period Date Rule

Occurrence that causes the Open event to advance from the started to processed phase.

When processing ends

Year Period

Year in which benefit elections are effective.

January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016

Period Determination Rule

How enrollment periods are determined when:

  • Backing out and reprocessing an event

  • The event occurs within the enrollment window of another life event.

Later of enrollment period start or future start

Coverage Start Date

Select the rule that meets your business requirements.

Example: Select Event if you want the coverage for the benefit plan to start on the assigned life event date, which is January 1, 2016 in this scenario.


Previous Coverage End Date

Select the rule that meets your business requirements.

Example: If you select Event as the coverage start date rule, then also select the corresponding 1 day before event rule to end the previous coverage the day before the assigned life event date. In this scenario, the event date is January 1, 2016, so the previous coverage end date is December 31, 2015.

1 day before event

Rate Start Date

Select the rule that meets your business requirements.

Example: Select Event if you want the rates for the benefit plan to start on the assigned life event date, which is January 1, 2016 in this scenario.


Previous Rate End Date

Select the rule that meets your business requirements.

Example: If you select Event as the rate start date rule, then select the corresponding 1 day before event rule to end the previous rate the day before the assigned life event date. In this scenario, the event date is January 1, 2016, so the previous rate end date is December 31, 2015.

1 day before event

Selecting the Assigned Life Event Date

The event date is important for the evaluation of derived factors based on age, such as imputed income.

Example: Imputed income calculation in the US uses the participant's age as of the end of the current year. So for the plan year 2016, the calculation uses the participant's age as of December 31, 2016.

If the assigned life event date is in late December of 2015 for the 2016 plan year, the person's age would be calculated as of December 31, 2015. This age would be incorrect for imputed income purposes.

Selecting the Close Enrollment Period Date Rule

Specify the date that fits your business requirement for the open event. The following table provides example rule selections and when you might select them:


When to Select

When processing ends

When there is a time between the end of the participant's enrollment period and the date of the open event.

This enables you to make adjustments before the event is closed.

When enrollment period ends

If there are no additional processing days after the enrollment period ends.

Selecting the Reinstatement Rule

During an open enrollment period, a reinstatement rule enables you to restore elections if:

  • The open event was accidentally backed out

  • An intervening life event backs out the open event

The default reinstatement rule that applies for any life event that you create is Reinstate all if no electability change in event.

The default rule restores elections only if there are no changes to the open enrollment electable choices between the dates that you:

  • Backed out the open event

  • Reprocessed the open event

You can reinstate elections only if you backed out the life event using the Unprocessed status.