The Assign and Update Benefits Relationships Process

Use this process to ensure that the benefits relationship information for multiple workers is accurate. You run the process from the Evaluation and Reporting work area, Processes tab, Maintenance Processes subtab.

The process assigns and updates worker benefits relationships on the basis of the configuration that exists in the Configure Default Benefits Relationships page.

Settings That Affect Processing

The following table describes the options that affect processing.


Effect of Selecting

Create default benefits relationship assignment configuration

Select to create the default configuration for the worker's legal entity in the Configure Default Benefits Relationships page, if no setup exists. You might want to do this when you rehire a worker or transfer a worker to a different legal entity.

The process creates default configurations for both usages: normal and unrestricted life event processing.

Assign benefits relationship for life event processing

Select to assign the worker a benefits relationship for life event processing based on worker information and the default benefits relationship configuration.

Assign benefits relationship for unrestricted processing

Select to assign the worker a benefits relationship for unrestricted benefits processing based on worker information and the default benefits relationship configuration.

Benefits Relationship to Delete

Select whether you want to delete the life event type of benefits relationship or the unrestricted type of benefits relationship.

Mode of Deletion

Select whether you want to delete the relationship or end date it.

End Date

If you have selected End Date as the mode of deletion, you can set the date on which you want to end the benefits relationship.

How Benefits Relationship Assignments and Updates Are Processed

If you decide to assign a benefits relationship to workers, the process, if required, updates worker assignments associated with the benefits relationship. For example, if a worker's primary assignment changed, the process updates the benefits relationship with the new assignment.

You manage the worker's benefits relationship details using the Manage Benefits Relationship task in the Benefits Service Center page.