Upload Enrollment Workbook Data to Interim Tables

You can enroll participants in various programs, plans, and options using the integrated Microsoft Excel workbook. You can also designate dependents and beneficiaries in participant-enrolled plans.

The basic process for preparing and uploading workbook data to interim tables is:

  1. Generate the workbook.

  2. Create a batch of enrollment data.

  3. Upload edits into the interim database table.

  4. Resolve workbook data errors.


You must verify that the relevant plan and program configuration is set up and working correctly before uploading enrollment data using the workbook.

Generating the Workbook

To generate the workbook:

  1. On the Enrollment Uploads tab of the Evaluation and Reporting work area Overview page, click Prepare Enrollment Batch in Workbook.

  2. In the Batch Name cell, enter a name for the enrollment batch.

  3. Enter the batch lines.

Creating a Batch of Enrollment Data

Enter data in the workbook following these guidelines:

  • Create and upload batches of fewer than 500 rows.

    More than 500 rows negatively affects performance, and you can only download 500 rows at a time to fix errors.

  • Enter plan, program, participant last, participant first, and option names exactly as they are in the application database.

    The names that you enter also must be valid as of the effective date and for the specified life event.

  • Enter values in all of the required cells in a row; otherwise, the upload process skips the row.

    Required cells are Enrollment Type, Effective Date, Person Number, Participant Last Name, Participant First Name, Life Event, and Benefit Relationship.

    If you select Yes in Close Life Event, then Close Life Event Date becomes a required cell.

  • Enter one of these valid values for Enrollment Type:

    • Participant Enrollment

    • Dependent Designation

    • Beneficiary Designation

  • Enter a valid participant name in every row, even if the enrollment type is for dependent or beneficiary.

  • Press Enter or click out of the current cell to ensure that the workbook recognizes your entry as a change.

    This includes the Batch Name cell.

To delete records from the application database tables:

  1. Double-click the Mark for Deletion cell in each workbook row that you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete Selected Rows.

Uploading Edits into the Interim Database Table

After you complete your edits:

  1. Click the Batch Name cell.

  2. Click another cell.

  3. Click Upload.

If the batch:

  • Doesn't exist, the upload process creates a batch

  • Already exists, the upload process updates the batch lines

    It uploads into the interim database table only the rows that are marked as Changed.

The upload process also deletes permanently all of the related effective-dated records from the interim database table for each workbook row marked for deletion. This makes the deleted records unavailable for enrollment processing.

Resolving Errors

The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row. If there are errors that require review, the process:

  1. Rolls back the change in the application database

  2. Sets the workbook row status to Upload Failed

  3. Continues to the next workbook row

To view and resolve an error:

  1. Double-click Update Failed in the Status field.

  2. Fix any data issues in the workbook.

  3. Upload the latest changes.

Next Steps

Next, you must upload your workbook data batch to the database tables. The details of this process are covered in the Uploading Benefit Enrollments Batch to Database Tables: Procedure topic.