Examples of Salary Growth Rate Calculations

These examples show you how compensation history calculates the salary growth rates.

Type Description Calculation
Average annual growth rate The statistical average of the total percentage increase from January to December of each full year SUM(Annual Growth Rate per Year in Period) / Number of Years in Period
Cumulative Growth Rate The total percentage of salary change over the period (Ending Salary for Period - Starting Salary for Period) / Starting Salary for Period

Salary Change Information

These example starting and ending salaries span 5 years and show the corresponding annual growth rates. The 3-year calculations use the information for 2017 through 2019.

Year Starting Salary Ending Salary Annual Growth Rate
2015 38,000 41,000 7.89
2016 41,000 43,000 4.88
2017 43,000 49,000 13.95
2018 49,000 54,000 10.20
2019 54,000 54,000 0.00

Example Calculations

Here's how the calculations look using the sample information.

Type Period Example Calculation Example Growth Rate
Average annual growth rate 3-year (13.95 + 10.20 + 0.00) / 3 8.05
5-year (7.89 + 4.88 + 13.95 + 10.20 + 0.00) / 5 7.38
Cumulative Growth Rate 3-year ((54,000 - 43,000)/43,000) * 100 25.58
5-year ((54,000 - 38,000) / 38,000) * 100 42.10