Types of Task Worksheets

Workforce compensation plans can include budgets, promotion, compensation, approval, communications, performance, and model task worksheets. They can even include multiple worksheets for the same type of task.

For example, a plan setup could have separate worksheets for the Adjust Salary, Allocate Bonus, and Grant Stocks compensation tasks. Another plan setup could have a single Allocations compensation task.

The first time you go to open a budget worksheet, you might need to select a budget method for the worksheet. For example, you can specify that you’ll pass down budgets to only your direct subordinate managers. Or, you can pass down budgets to all of your subordinate managers. Your selection determines the worksheet that opens. On the worksheet itself, you can change the budget method, as needed.

Tip: To improve worksheet performance when you switch the detail table from list to tree, set your team filter to an option other than All workers.