Event Action Attributes and Possible Values for Time Card Resubmissions

These are the possible values you can provide for EventAction, EventGroupAction, and EventActionCriteria objects in the context of time card resubmissions.

Event Group

Attribute Name Possible Values
EventActionCode Any value
EffectiveStartDate Date with YYYY/MM/DD format, such as 1999/11/25
EffectiveEndDate Date with YYYY/MM/DD format, such as 1999/11/25

Any value

The value can be translated. Include translated data using the EventActionTranslation attribute. Load the data using the EventActionTranslation.dat file after you create the event actions.



Always use this value for time card resubmissions.





This value indicates how far in the past from the action run date the process should look for time cards to resubmit. For example, a job change is effective on January 1, 2023. If the time card resubmission process runs on January 1, 2024, with LookbackTimeDefinitionCode set to 3_MONTHS_AGO_MONTH_START_DATE, the process considers only time cards from October 1, 2023 for resubmission.



Always use this value for time card resubmission.



  • AUTO: The process automatically resubmits the time card.
  • MANUAL: The process sets the time card Resubmission status to Resubmit, indicating that the time card needs to be manually resubmitted.

Y, N

If Y, the process automatically set approved time cards back to the Approved status after resubmission.

Event Group Action

Attribute Name Possible Values
EventActionCode Use the same value as the EventActionCode in the EventAction object row. It’s the link between the two business objects.
EffectiveStartDate Date with YYYY/MM/DD format, such as 1999/11/25
EffectiveEndDate Date with YYYY/MM/DD format, such as 1999/11/25
EventGroupCode Use the same value as the EventGroupCode in the EventGroup object row. It’s the link between the two business objects.

Event Action Criteria

Attribute Name Possible Values
EventActionCode Use the same value as the EventActionCode in the EventAction object row. It’s the link between the two business objects.
EffectiveStartDate Date with YYYY/MM/DD format, such as 1999/11/25
EffectiveEndDate Date with YYYY/MM/DD format, such as 1999/11/25

Group code for the specified HCM GROUP. See the GRP_CODE column in the HWM_GRPS_VL table.

The action will run only for workers belonging to the specified group.