Example of Creating Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details for UAE

This example creates an Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details card with associations for employee assignment E5252.

If your Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details cards are not auto-generated it is recommended that you use source keys to create the card.

The Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details flexfield context is populated with these values:

Flexfield Segment Value
Citizenship AE (Emirati)
Registered for Social Insurance or Pension Y (Yes)
Date of Retirement 1 Sep 2025

The CalculationCard.dat file is used to upload Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details calculation cards with HCM Data Loader.

MERGE|CalculationCard|VISION|E5252_SI|AE LDG|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|2019/01/01|E5252

MERGE|CardComponent|VISION|E5252_SI_DET|AE LDG|E5252_SI|2019/01/01|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details

METADATA|ComponentDetail|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|LegislativeDataGroupName|DirCardCompId(SourceSystemId)|EffectiveStartDate|DirCardCompDefName|DirInformationCategory|FLEX:Deduction Developer DF|_CITIZENSHIP(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_AE_SI_PREL)|_REGISTERED_FOR_SI(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_AE_SI_PREL)|_ORA_HRX_AE_RETIREMENT_DATE(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_AE_SI_PREL)
MERGE|ComponentDetail|VISION|E5252_SI_PREL|AE LDG|E5252_SI_DET|2019/01/01|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|HRX_AE_SI_PREL|HRX_AE_SI_PREL|AE|Y|2025/09/01

MERGE|CardAssociation|VISION|E5252_SI_TRU|AE LDG|E5252_SI|2019/01/01|AE Legal Entity
