Example of Loading Employee Social Insurance Details Card Associations for Bahrain

This example creates the tax reporting unit association for the existing Employee Social Insurance Details card belonging to employee assignment E3714.

User keys are provided to reference the existing Employee Social Insurance Details card and Social Insurance Details card component on the assumption they were auto generated and therefore the source key values are unknown.

The CalculationCard.dat file is used to upload the Employee Social Insurance Details card associations with HCM Data Loader.

MERGE|CalculationCard|BH LDG|Employee Social Insurance Details|2022/01/01|E3714|1

MERGE|CardAssociation|BH LDG|Employee Social Insurance Details|2022/01/01|E3714|1|BH TRU

MERGE|CardAssociationDetail|BH LDG|Employee Social Insurance Details|2022/01/01|E3714|1|BH TRU|Social Insurance Details|1|E3714

When associating an auto-generated card you don’t need to include the CardComponent unless also making changes to its values.