Example of Loading Fast Formula

Use HCM Data Loader to create formula that are generic expressions of calculations or comparisons that you want to repeat with different input variables. You can use these predefined rules to perform calculations, such as a legislative specific tax or social insurance calculations.

Create formula with effective start dates on or before the start dates of other objects that refer to your formula.

Supply the fast formula text in a separate text file and then pass the text file name to the Comments attribute. Further, place the formula text file in the ClobFiles folder within the same compressed file as FastFormula.dat file that references it. Also, don't supply the text directly in the FastFormula.dat file.

This example loads the fast formula.

MERGE|FastFormula|VISION|MGR_SCHED_HRS|2000/01/01|MGR_RANGE_SCHD_HRS|Range of Scheduled Hours|Manager Range of Scheduled Hours|ManagerRangeScheduledHrs.txt|