Example of Loading Quebec Labour Standards Balances: Remuneration Subject to Contribution below the Maximum Limit Without Exempt Wages

In this example, you create balance initialization records to initialize an employee’s QLS balances where the wages are below the 2020 annual maximum limit of $78,500 and no exempt wages exist.

Note: These are only examples and you may require other balances to be initialized depending on your unique requirements. You may need to initialize other balances separately that are part of QLS gross or QLS exempt earnings.
Balance Name Value Notes
Gross Earnings 6,000 N/A
Quebec Labour Standards Gross 6,000 N/A
Quebec Labour Standards Subject 6,000 There are no Quebec Labour Standard Exempt Wages, so Subject = Gross.
Quebec Labour Standards Taxable 6,000 Subject amount of 6,000 is Taxable since it is under the annual limit.
Quebec Labour Standards Liability 4.20 Calculated value of Taxable * rate. For example, using the values for 2020: 6,000 * 0.0007 = 4.20.

Load the Initialize Balance Batch Header

Use the InitializeBalanceBatchHeader.dat file to create the batch header.

MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchHeader|QLS_REM_BELOW_MAX_WO|2020/01/01|CA LDG

Load the Initialize Balance Batch Lines

Use the InitializeBalanceBatchLine.dat file to create the batch lines.

MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|QLS_REM_BELOW_MAX_WO|1|192191|ET192191|E192191|Quebec Labour Standards Gross|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type, Statutory Report Code Year to Date|6000.00|CA Semimonthly|19|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|Statutory Reporting Code|7453627101RS0001
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|QLS_REM_BELOW_MAX_WO|2|192191|ET192191|E192191|Quebec Labour Standards Subject|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type, Statutory Report Code Year to Date|6000.00|CA Semimonthly|19|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|Statutory Reporting Code|7453627101RS0001
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|QLS_REM_BELOW_MAX_WO|3|192191|ET192191|E192191|Quebec Labour Standards Taxable|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type, Statutory Report Code Year to Date|6000.00|CA Semimonthly|19|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|Statutory Reporting Code|7453627101RS0001
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|QLS_REM_BELOW_MAX_WO|4|192191|ET192191|E192191|Quebec Labour Standards Liability|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type, Statutory Report Code Year to Date|4.20|CA Semimonthly|19|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|Statutory Reporting Code|7453627101RS0001
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|QLS_REM_BELOW_MAX_WO|5|192191|ET192191|E192191|Gross Earnings|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date|6000.00|CA Semimonthly|19|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Year End Forms|T4_RL1||