Example of Updating Oracle Learning Course Publish End Dates Using HCM Data Loader

To change the publish end dates for courses using HCM Data Loader, you need to get the necessary information for the Course.dat file. Then you create the .dat file and import and load the data.

  1. Create and export a report with the appropriate course information.
    1. In Oracle Fusion applications, go to Tools > Reports and Analytics.
    2. On the Reports and Analytics page, click Browse Catalog.
    3. On the Catalog page, on the New icon menu, select Analysis.
    4. On the Select Subject Area dialog box, search for and select Workforce Learning - Learning Management Real-Time.
    5. Expand the Learning Items folder.
    6. Drag and drop Learning Item Namein the Selected Columns section.
    7. Click the icon next to Learning Item Name and select Filter.
    8. On the New Filter dialog box, click fx.
    9. On the Edit Column Formula dialog box, in the Subject Areas pane, expand the Learning Items and Learning Item Type folders.
    10. Select Code.
    11. Click the Add Column icon. The Column Formula should now look like this: "Learning Item Type"."Code".
    12. Click OK.
    13. On the New Filter dialog box, in the Value field, search for and select ORA_COURSE.
    14. Click OK.
    15. On the Untitled page, in the Subject Areas pane, Learning Item Type folder, drag and drop Learning Item Number, to the Selected Columns section.
    16. In the Subject Areas pane, expand the Learning Items > Course Specific Details folder.
    17. Drag and drop Course Effective Start Date to the Selected Columns area.
    18. In the Subject Areas pane, expand the Learning Items > Learning Item Owner > Worker (Owner) folder.
    19. Drag and drop Person Number to the Selected Columns area.
    20. Click the Results tab.
    21. On the Export this analysis icon menu, select Data > Tab Delimited.
    22. Save the file to your device.
    23. On the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
  2. Create the Course.dat file.
    1. Open a blank Microsoft Excel file.
    2. Copy this content and paste it into cell 1A.

    3. Select cell 1A.
    4. On the Data tool strip, click Text to Columns.
    5. On the Convert Text to Columns Wizard - Step 1 of 3 dialog box, accept the defaults by clicking Next.
    6. On the Convert Text to Columns Wizard - Step 2 of 3 dialog box, in the Delimiters group, select Other.
    7. In the corresponding field enter only the pipe symbol ( | ).
    8. Click Next.
    9. On the Convert Text to Columns Wizard - Step 3 of 3 dialog box, click Finish.
    10. Add a row for each course with a publish end date to update.

      • The METADATA value needs to be MERGE.
      • Dates need to follow the YYYY/MM/DD format.
      • The EffectiveStartDate cell is for the course effective start date.
      • You can find the course publish start dates in using the Courses task on the My Client Groups > Learning page. They're in the Start Date column.
      • For OwnedbyPersonNumber, use the person number from your exported analysis.

      Here's how the column headers should look and a sample row of a course to update:

      MERGE|Course||2019/06/14||OLCxxxxxx|Example Course|||2019/06/14|2019/07/22|||||||||||xxxxxx|||||| 
    11. After you add all of the courses to update, in the Microsoft Excel file, click File > Save as.
    12. On the Save As dialog box, in the File name field, enter Course.
    13. In the Save as type field, select Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt).
    14. On the Microsoft Excel dialog box asking if you want to keep the format, click Yes.
    15. Close the Microsoft Excel file.
    16. Go to the location where you saved the file.
    17. Change the file name from Course.txt to Course.dat.
    18. Right-click the Course.dat file and select Open with > Notepad++. You can download and install the app from your browser search if you don't already have it.
    19. In Notepad++, click Search > Replace.
    20. In the Find what field, enter \t
    21. In the Replace field, enter |
    22. In the Search Mode group, select Extended (\n, \r, \t, \0, \x...).
    23. Click Replace All. This makes sure that the pipe ( | ) is the delimiter, which HCM Data Loader requires.
    24. Save your changes and close the file.
    25. Zip the file with the name Course.zip
  3. Import the course data using HCM Data Loader.
    1. In Oracle Fusion apps, click My Client GroupsData Exchange.
    2. On the Data Exchange page, search for and click the Import and Load Data task.
    3. On the Import and Load Data page, click Import File.
    4. On the Import File dialog box, browse for and select your Course.zip file.
    5. Review the information.
    6. Click Submit Now.
    7. Refresh the Import and Load Data page to make sure the file loaded without error.