Examples of Loading Carryover Balance

Using HCM Data Loader, you can load absence data for carryover balance for multiple year carryover using the Absence Accrual Balance Component business object. When multi carryover is enabled then HDL load populates in accrual entry details table and anc_per_covr_sub_bal table. Similarly,the application loads ORA_ANC_PREVCOVR in accrual entry details table and anc_per_covr_sub_bal table.

Preparing to Load Carryover Balance

Before you load carryover balance, you must ensure the following:

  • Planterm needs to be less than procdate. Planterm and procdate difference shouldn’t be more than expiration rule setup

    Plantem is procdDate year - (covr expiration+1). For example, let's assume that procddate is 1/1/2021 and expiration is 2 years setup. The calculation of planterm in this case is: year of procddate (2021) – 2 = 2019

  • ProcdDate must be on enrolment start date.
  • ORA_ANC_PREVCOVR is a required field.

Loading a Carryover Balance

Example 1

This example uses COVR and PREVCOVR to load carryover balance.


Example 2

This example uses user keys to update the existing carryover balance.
