Examples of Loading Classroom Resources to Oracle Learning

Here's how you can load classroom resources using either source or user keys.

Creating Classroom Resources

This example ClassroomResource.dat file shows how to create a Classroom Resource object using source keys.

COMMENT Create a Classroom Resource object using source keys
MERGE|ClassroomResource|VISION|201803081352|RSC-201803081352-HDL|Title:RSC 201803081352 HDL|Desc:RSC 201803081352 HDL|30|300213211235|StLouisMO|300213211235

This example ClassroomResource.dat file shows how to create a Classroom Resource object using user keys.

COMMENT Create a Classroom Resource object using user keys
MERGE|ClassroomResource|RSC-201803081355-HDL|Title:RSC 201803081355 HDL|Desc:RSC 201803081355 HDL|30|8153757|DDT_US_Allenton _St Louis_MO|COMMON|8153757