Examples of Loading Job Offers

Here are sample files that show how to create a job offer using HCM Data Loader.

Example for an External Candidate

You can use the sample JobOffer.dat file provided here to create or update a job offer for external candidates.

Job Offer

This example creates an offer for the candidate CAN614005. The source key VISION | CAN614005-R23522 uniquely identifies the job offer. This source key value is used to identify the team members and the attachment for the job offer.

MERGE|JobOffer|VISION|CAN614005-R23522|CAN614005|R23522|Comments for the job offer|CAN614005-R23522_OfferComments.txt|CAN614005-R23522_Additionaltext1.txt|CAN614005-R23522_Additionaltext2.txt|431509|E431509|451255|E451255|2022/10/03|VISION US|Employee|ADD_PEN_WKR||VISION_Offer_Context|Custom descriptive flexfield example

To load data into a Character Large Object (CLOB) object, name the file that contains the data to be loaded and place that file in a subfolder of the same compressed zip file used to load the JobOffer.dat file. The subfolder must be named ClobFiles.

The values for these attributes need to be provided in separate files within the ClobFiles subfolder:

  • OfferComments
  • Additionaltext1
  • Additionaltext2

Offer Assignment

Use the Worker.dat file to create the offer assignment.

You must always include the SET OFFER_ASSIGNMENTS_F Y instruction at the top of the file. Optionally, include the SET CALCULATE_FTE Y instruction if you want the full-time equivalent to be created.

This example creates the work relationship, employment (work) terms and assignment for the candidate referenced in the Job Offer example provided earlier.

The job offer is referenced on the Assignment record using the OfferId(SourceSystemId) attribute. The source system ID value CAN614005-R23522 is the same as supplied to the SourceSystemId attribute on the JobOffer record in the previous example.

MERGE|WorkRelationship|VISION|WRCAN614005|300100574088451|2022/10/03|O|VISION US|N|EMPL_OFFER_CREATE
MERGE|WorkTerms|VISION|WTCAN614005|WRCAN614005|2022/10/03|1|Y|ORA_CANDIDATE|EMPL_OFFER_CREATE|OT|Vision Business Unit|CMP_SBwithGLST|Recruiting Candidate|
MERGE|Assignment|VISION|ECAN614005|WTCAN614005|2022/10/03|1|Y|CAN614005-R23522|EMPL_OFFER_CREATE|O|Vision Business Unit|CMP_SBwithGLST|Recruiting Candidate||30|W|Analyst Position|Analyst|IC3|VUSSF_01|US HCM|2022/10/03|Employee|ORA_CANDIDATE|VIS USA

Payroll Assignment Details

Use the PayrollAssignmentDetails.dat file to create and maintain the payroll assignment details, such as time card required status and overtime period.

The offer assignment for which the payroll assignment details are being created is referenced by its source key using the AssignmentId(SourceSystemId) attribute and AssignmentId(SourceSystemOwner) attributes.

The source key value ECAN614005 | VISION that you defined when creating the offer assignment is used in this example.
MERGE|PayrollAssignmentDetails|VISION|ECAN614005|2022/10/03|United States LDG|Y|VIS_WK

Assigned Payroll

Use the AssignedPayroll.dat file to create and maintain payroll assignment details, such as the payroll name, frequency details, and related start and end dates.

The offer assignment for which the assigned payroll details are being created is referenced by its source key using the attributes AssignmentId(SourceSystemId) and SourceSystemOwner. The source key value ECAN614005 | VISION that you defined when creating the offer assignment is used in this example.

MERGE|AssignedPayroll|VISION|ECAN614005_AP|ECAN614005|2022/10/03|VIS_MONTHLY_PAYROLL|United States LDG|2022/10/03|VIS_WK|Y


Use the Salary.dat file to create or update salary proposals.

The offer assignment for which salary details are being created is referenced by its source key using the attributes AssignmentId(SourceSystemId) and SourceSystemOwner. The source key value ECAN614005 | VISION that you defined when creating the offer assignment is used in this example.

This example uses salary components.


Element Entry

Use the ElementEntry.dat file to create or maintain compensation elements for the candidate.

The offer assignment for the element entries is referenced by its source key using the HrAssignmentId(SourceSystemId) and SourceSystemOwner attributes. The source key value ECAN614005 | VISION that you defined when creating the offer assignment is used in this example.

This example creates three element entries:

Element Entry Amount
SpotBonus 1000.325
HiringBonus 5467.25
INF_ISO 100 shares
MERGE|ElementEntry|VISION|ECAN614005_SB|ECAN614005|2022/10/03|2022/10/30|SpotBonus|United States LDG|E||VC
MERGE|ElementEntry|VISION|ECAN614005_HB|ECAN614005|2022/10/03||HiringBonus|United States LDG|E|1|VC
MERGE|ElementEntry|VISION|ECAN614005_STK|ECAN614005|2022/10/03||INF_ISO|United States LDG|E|1|VC
MERGE|ElementEntryValue|VISION|ECAN614005_SB_AMT|ECAN614005_SB|2022/10/03|2022/10/30|SpotBonus|United States LDG|E||Amount|1000.325
MERGE|ElementEntryValue|VISION|ECAN614005_HB_AMT|ECAN614005_HB|2022/10/03||HiringBonus|United States LDG|E|1|Amount|5467.25
MERGE|ElementEntryValue|VISION|ECAN614005_STK_GRNT|ECAN614005_STK|2022/10/03||INF_ISO|United States LDG|E|1|Shares Granted|100

Job Offer Letter

Use the JobOfferLetter.dat file to create or update a job offer letter.

Specify a value of Y in the HasPayroll attribute if you want to validate that the candidate has a payroll record. Specify a number in the OtherCompElementCount attribute to validate the total number of compensation elements expected in the offer.

The SubmitOffer attribute is used to submit the job offer for approval. When the job offer is submitted, it moves to the Approved or Pending Approval status depending on whether Bypass Approval is enabled.

MERGE|JobOfferLetter|CAN614005|R23522|OR_28SEP2022_2009PM|N|3|Y|2022/10/12 21:00:00

Example for an Internal Candidate

You can use the sample JobOffer.dat file provided here to create or update a job offer for internal candidates.

For the other objects, you can refer to the sample files provided earlier for external candidates, and use data that’s relevant for internal candidates.

Job Offer

This example creates an offer for an internal candidate 283706. The source key VISION | 283706_R712413 uniquely identifies the job offer. This source key value is used to identify the team members and attachment for the job offer.

This example differs from the external candidate job offer in the value for the ActionCode. Here the action is global transfer (GLB_TRANSFER).

MERGE|JobOffer|VISION|283706_R712413|283706|R712413|Global Transfer US-UK, GT-HDLINT, OFF-Virgillo Past Date|283706_R712413 OfferComments.txt|283706_R712413 Additionaltext1.txt|283706_R712413 Additionaltext2.txt|131509|E131509|132552|E132552|2022/11/06|VISION US|Employee|GLB_TRANSFER
MERGE|JobOfferAttachment|VISION|283706_R712413|283706|R712413|Resume-File1|283706 Resume1.docx|FILE|Resume1.docx|IRC_JOB_OFFER_CANDIDATE
MERGE|JobOfferAttachment|VISION|283706_R712413|283706|R712413|Resume-File2|283706 Resume2.docx|FILE|Resume2.docx|IRC_INTERNAL