Examples of Loading Market Data Job Family and Function

Here are examples of how you can load the Market Data Job Family and Market Data Job Function objects using HCM Data Loader. A supplier of market survey data, such as Hay, supplies the object data.

Create a Market Data Job Family

Here's how you can create six Market Data Job Family objects. The file identifies these objects using source keys.

MERGE|MktJobFamily|VISION|JF_HAY_HR-BEN|HAY|HR-BEN|Benefits|Human Resources - Benefits|1|A|HAY Benefits Job Family Notes.txt
MERGE|MktJobFamily|VISION|JF_HAY_HR-CMP|HAY|HR-CMP|Compensation|Human Resources - Compensation|2|A|HAY Compensation Job Family Notes.txt
MERGE|MktJobFamily|VISION|JF_HAY_HR-DEV|HAY|HR-DEV|Organizational Development|Human Resources - OD|3|A|HAY OD Job Family Notes.txt
MERGE|MktJobFamily|VISION|JF_HAY_AC-REC|HAY|AC-PAY|Accounts Receivable|Accounting - Accounts Receivable|4|A|HAY AR Job Family Notes.txt
MERGE|MktJobFamily|VISION|JF_HAY_AC-PAY|HAY|AC-PAY|Accounts Payable|Accounting - Accounts Payable|5|A|HAY AP Job Family Notes.txt
MERGE|MktJobFamily|VISION|JF_HAY_AC-COS|HAY|AC-COS|Cost Accounting|Accounting - Cost Accounting|6|A|HAY Cost Accounting Job Family Notes.txt

You include the .txt files named on the JobFamilyDescr attribute in the ClobFiles folder of the .zip file.

Create Market Data Job Functions

Here's how you can create three Market Data Job Function objects. The file identifies these objects using source keys.

MERGE|MktJobFunction|VISION|JFN_HAY_ACCT|HAY|ACCT|Accounting|Accounting Jobs|1|A|HAY Accounting Job Function Notes.txt
MERGE|MktJobFunction|VISION|JFN_HAY_HR|HAY|HR|Human Resources|Human Resources Jobs|2|A|HAY HR Job Function Notes.txt
MERGE|MktJobFunction|VISION|JFN_HAY_IT|HAY|IT|Information Technology|Information Technology Jobs|3|A|HAY IT Job Function Notes.txt

You include the .txt files named on the JobFunctionDescr attribute in the ClobFiles folder of the .zip file.