Examples of Loading Seniority Hours

You calculate seniority in hours for hourly paid workers. So that the application can perform seniority calculations for these workers, you load their seniority hours using HCM Data Loader.

You can obtain the seniority hours from various sources, such as Oracle Time and Labor, Oracle Global Payroll, or a third-party application. Any worker assignment for which you load seniority hours must exist and be active as of the start date of the hours that you're loading. It must also be paid hourly for the entire period for which you're loading data.

Tip: You can verify the loaded data for a worker on the Manage Seniority Dates page. To verify loaded data for multiple workers, you can query the PER_SENIORITY_HOURS table.

This topic provides examples showing how to create, update, and delete the Seniority Hour component of the Worker object using HCM Data Loader.

Creating Seniority Hours

This example Worker.dat file shows how to create the Seniority Hour component of the Worker object using source keys.



This example Worker.dat file shows how to create the Seniority Hour component of the Worker object using user keys. The user key attributes for this component are AssignmentNumber and FromDate.


Updating Seniority Hours

This example Worker.dat file shows how to update the Seniority Hour component of the Worker object using source keys.


This example Worker.dat file shows how to update the Seniority Hour component of the Worker object using user keys.


Deleting Seniority Hours

This example Worker.dat file shows how to delete the Seniority Hour component of a Worker object using source keys.


This example Worker.dat file shows how to delete the Seniority Hour component of a Worker object using user keys.
