Examples of Loading Talent Pools

You can use HCM Data Loader to create and update talent pools. You use talent pools to manage the development of the pool members for specific purposes.

Create a Talent Pool

A talent pool can reference any combination of job, job family, model profile, position, department, and grade. These objects, which can define the purpose of the talent pool, have no effect on its processing. However, they must exist in the target environment before you load a talent pool that references them. This example TalentPool.dat file creates a talent pool for a job. Source keys are used to identify both the talent pool and the associated job.

MERGE|TalentPool|VISION|TP_T1|Job Chief Exec|TALENT|Talent pool description|1008|A|93079

Always set the PoolTypeCode attribute to TALENT. You must include the Status attribute. If you supply no value, then the default status is A (Active). Set the status to I (Inactive) to inactivate the talent pool.

The Talent Pool component defines the talent pool and the initial pool owner. To identify additional pool owners, you use the Talent Pool Owner component. Additional pool owners are optional, but multiple owners are recommended. Talent pool owners can see talent pools in the application. Use the Talent Pool Member component to define the pool members. This example TalentPool.dat file creates a talent pool with pool members. Source keys are used to identify the talent pool and reference foreign objects.

MERGE|TalentPool|VISION|TP_T2|Member Talent Pool|TALENT|Talent pool description|1011|A

Translate a Talent Pool Name

This example TalentPoolTranslation.dat file translates the name of an existing talent pool. It identifies the existing record by its source key.

MERGE|TalentPoolTranslation|VISION|TP_T1|Spanish Translated Pool Name|ES
MERGE|TalentPoolTranslation|VISION|TP_T1|French Translated Pool Name|FR

This example TalentPoolTranslation.dat file translates the name of an existing talent pool. It identifies the existing record by its user key.

MERGE|TalentPoolTranslation|Job Chief Exec|A|Spanish Translated Pool Name|ES
MERGE|TalentPoolTranslation|Job Chief Exec|A|French Translated Pool Name|FR

Delete Talent Pools

You can delete a talent pool using HCM Data Loader. You can also use HCM Data Loader to manage talent pools in these ways:

  • Make the talent pool inactive.

  • Delete talent pool owners, provided that at least one pool owner remains.

  • Delete Talent Pool Member components.

This example TalentPool.dat file deletes an existing Talent Pool Owner component.

DELETE|PoolOwner|VISION|TP_PO_T2_3423|Top Talent|521528

This example deletes the Talent Pool, itself. When you delete this parent object, you also delete its children, such as Talent Pool Owner.

DELETE|TalentPool|High Potential|TALENT|A