Examples of Loading Time and Labor Event Groups

An event group is a group of related events, such as changes to a worker's assignment, that require a retroactive recalculation of time cards. This topic shows how to create event groups using HCM Data Loader.

Loading Event Groups

This example EventGroup.dat file creates a single Event Group component, which is identified by its user key. For resubmitting time cards, the EventGroupType attribute value must be A.


Loading Date Tracked Events

The Date Tracked Event component identifies the type of event (update, correction, or insert) that triggers resubmission of time cards. It also identifies the affected object and the affected column or value in that object. This example identifies the Date Tracked Event component by its user key.


Loading Event Value Changes

The Event Value Change component specifies the value changes that can cause time cards to be resubmitted. For example, the Date Tracked Event component may be monitoring changes to a worker's job. In that case, the Event Value Change component could specify the current and new jobs that trigger resubmission of time cards. This example identifies the Event Value Change component by its user key.


Loading Event Value Qualifiers

Using the optional Event Value Qualifier component, you can qualify an event. For example, when monitoring job changes, you could use this component to specify that only job changes in primary assignments are of interest. This example identifies the Event Value Qualifier component by its user key.

MERGE|EventValueQualifier|JOB_ID|DT_UPDATE_COLUMN|JobChangeEventGroup|oracle.apps.hcm.employment.core.publicModel.entity.EmployeeAssignmentDEO|1|1950/01/01|4712/12/31|EmployeeAssignmentDEO Primary Flag|Y