Examples of Updating Employee Social Insurances Details for UAE

These examples update or maintain an auto-generated Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details card.

User keys are used to identify the card and card component as the source keys may not be known for auto-generated cards.

Use the CalculationCard.dat file to update Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details card component information with HCM Data Loader.

Example of Updating the Auto-Generated Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details Card Component

This example updates the existing Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details card component for an auto-generated Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details card.

The Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details flexfield context is updated, setting these values

Flexfield Segment Value
Citizenship AE (Emirati)
Registered for Social Insurance or Pension Y (Yes)
Date of Retirement 1 Sep 2025
MERGE|CalculationCard|AE LDG|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|2019/01/01|E5252|1

MERGE|CardComponent|AE LDG|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|2019/01/01|E5252|1|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|1

METADATA|ComponentDetail|LegislativeDataGroupName|DirCardDefinitionName|EffectiveStartDate|AssignmentNumber|CardSequence|DirCardCompDefName|ComponentSequence|DirInformationCategory|FLEX:Deduction Developer DF|_CITIZENSHIP(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_AE_SI_PREL)|_REGISTERED_FOR_SI(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_AE_SI_PREL)|_ORA_HRX_AE_RETIREMENT_DATE(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_AE_SI_PREL)
MERGE|ComponentDetail|AE LDG|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|2019/01/01|E5252|1|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|1|HRX_AE_SI_PREL|HRX_AE_SI_PREL|AE|Y|2025/09/01

Example of Creating Social Insurance Contributory Salary Adjustment

This example populates the Social Insurance Contributory Salary Adjustment flexfield context for an auto-generated Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details card. The Adjustment Amount is set to 5000.00.

MERGE|CalculationCard|AE LDG|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|2019/01/01|E5252|1

MERGE|CardComponent|AE LDG|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|2019/01/01|E5252|1|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|1

METADATA|ComponentDetail|LegislativeDataGroupName|DirCardDefinitionName|EffectiveStartDate|AssignmentNumber|CardSequence|DirCardCompDefName|ComponentSequence|DirInformationCategory|FLEX:Deduction Developer DF|_CONTRIBUTORY_SALARY_ADJUSTMENT(Deduction Developer DF=HRX_AE_SI_CONT_SAL_ADJ_PREL)
MERGE|ComponentDetail|AE LDG|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|2019/01/01|E5252|1|Employee Social Insurance or Pension Fund Details|1|HRX_AE_SI_CONT_SAL_ADJ_PREL|HRX_AE_SI_CONT_SAL_ADJ_PREL|5000.00