Guidelines for Adjusting Balances for the UK

Follow these guidelines for adjusting balances for the UK.

Refer to the Initializing and Adjusting Balances chapter for guidance on adjusting balances.

There are a few points to note when adjusting balances for the UK:

  • When adjusting balances that have a context, you need to provide this in the batch lines. Some delivered elements have a unique reference, for example Benefits in Kind and Court Orders. In such cases, the reference must also be provided.
  • Third Party Payee information might also be needed where this information is required by the element.
  • The following elements are available for making adjustments to UK Tax and National Insurance balances:
    • PAYE Adjustment
    • NI Employee Adjustment
    • NI Employer Adjustment
  • When Court Orders and Student Loans elements are created for the specific court order or loan, the following elements are also created:
    • <Court Order element name> Adjustment
    • <Court Order element name> Deduction Results
    • <Court Order element Name> Fee Results (where appropriate)
    Note: Use the Deduction Results element to make balance adjustments. The Adjustment element is adjusting the Court Order amount within a payroll run.
  • Adjustments to absence balances should use the Balance Adjustment functionality. The use of HCM Data Loader is not recommended for absence balance adjustments. Refer to the document Setting Up and Migrating UK Statutory Absences (ID 2235239.1)