Guidelines for Associating Employee Tax Cards for Mexico

The card association record associates the Employee Tax Card calculation card with the employee’s tax reporting unit.

The associated tax reporting unit is defined in the card association. The card association detail allows the Employee Taxation card component to be associated with the employee’s assignments.

Card Association Attributes for Employee Tax Card

The Card Association record type associates the Employee Tax Card calculation card with the employee’s tax reporting unit.

The Card Association record type uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, TaxReportingUnitName, LegislativeDataGroupName, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName A unique identifier for the Employee Tax Card card association. For new card associations supply the source key attributes. You can also identify card components with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the card definition.
DirCardId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName The parent Employee Tax Card calculation card should be identified by using the same key type used to identify the calculation card.

When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the calculation card’s SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent calculation card

EffectiveStartDate N/A The start date of the card association or the update to the card association if you are providing date-effective history. This must be after or equal to the EffectiveStartDate provided for the Employee Tax Card calculation card.
TaxReportingUnitName N/A The name of the tax reporting unit to associate with the Employee Tax Card calculation card. If source keys are used to identify the card association, you must still specify the LegislativeDataGroupName attribute to identify the tax reporting unit.

Card Association Detail Attributes for Employee Taxation

The card association detail associates the Employee Taxation card component with the payroll assignments for the employee. If the employee has more than one payroll assignment provide a card association detail record for each payroll assignment.

The Card Association Detail record type uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, TaxReportingUnitName, LegislativeDataGroupName, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName A unique identifier for the card association detail record. For new card associations supply the source key attributes. You can also identify card components with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the card definition.
DirRepCardId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, TaxReportingUnitName, LegislativeDataGroupName, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName The parent card association record should be identified by using the same key type supplied to against the card association.

When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the card’s association SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent card association.

EffectiveStartDate N/A The effective start date of the card association.
EffectiveEndDate N/A The effective end date of the card association.
DirCardCompId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName Thecard component this association is for. Supply either the source system ID value or user key attributes to identify the Employee Taxation card component.
AssociationAssignmentId(SourceSystemId) AssociationAssignmentNumber Identify the employee’s assignment to associate with card component.