Guidelines for Loading Absence Entry

Using HCM Data Loader, you can load data for the following components of the Absence Entry business object:



Absence Entry

You can load absences for:

  • A time-based schedule: A time-based work schedule has a fixed work day pattern. For example, you define an 8-hour schedule, 5 days a week. You can create a time-based work schedule that starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. A worker assigned to a time-based work schedule is considered to be available for a fixed number of hours each day.

  • An elapsed schedule: In an elapsed work schedule, workers don't have a fixed start or end time. For example, some workers may start work at 9.00 a.m., and some at 11.00 a.m. A worker assigned to an elapsed work schedule is considered to be available for a number of hours in a day. The StartDateDuration and EndDateDuration values must be provided.

    StartDateDuration and EndDateDuration denote duration for a day on Start Date and End Date, respectively. For calendar days UOM, there are 2 options: half day and full day. If you want to record full day absence, StartDateDuration should be given 1 or if absence to be recorded for half day, it should be given 0.5.

Person Childbirth or Placement Absence Record

You can load absence records associated with the birth or placement of a child or children in the worker's household. This record captures planned and actual absence dates, as well as dates associated with the event, such as expected date of childbirth.

Advanced Absence Entry

You can load advanced absence entries when there is a breakdown of absences into specific dates. This is used when an absence is taken against different assignments or if the absence is intermittent. For example, a weekly recurring absence scheduled for a weekly visit to the doctor.

Preparing to Load Absence Entry Objects

Before you load absence records:

  • Ensure you provide the name of the employer to verify the employment is valid as of the start date of the absence. The employee's start date determines validation of the absence entry for the legal employer.

  • Ensure that the absence type is valid as of the start date of the absence and belongs to the same legislative data group as the person the absence is for.

  • Ensure that the absence reason is defined, if it's specified as a required attribute in the absence type.

  • Ensure that a work schedule has been assigned to the employee. If there is no work schedule assigned, HDL will take default hours time work schedule.

Deleting Absence Entry Records

You can also delete the Absence Entry business object using HCM Data Loader. When you delete an Absence Entry record, the child records are also deleted.