Guidelines for Loading Canadian Provincial Medical and Workers Compensation Account Information

Provincial Medical and Workers Compensation account information is held against the Payroll Statutory Unit, using the Payroll Statutory Unit For Canada flexfield category.

Use the HCM Data Loader Organization object to maintain this data.

Considerations and Prerequisites

You must have previously defined the organizational structures for your business as required for HR and Payroll country-specific processes. For further information, please refer to the Implementing Payroll for Canada guide located at the Canada Information Center on My Oracle Support.

Canada Information Center:

  • Canada tab > Product Documentation > Payroll Guides > Implementing Payroll for Canada

Create one Organization.dat file for each province. There are example files provided for each province that include both Provincial Medical and Workers Compensation data in one file. If your organization is not subject to Provincial Medical or Workers Compensation, you don't need to load the related data. Similarly, if you don't have any employees in Quebec, you don't need to load the file for Quebec. You only need to load the data that is relevant to your organization.

If you are loading overrides for Provincial Medical or Workers Compensation, additional files are required for the level the overrides are created at. Refer to the job, location, department and assignment topics.

Organization Record Types

The Organization object hierarchy has three components that must be supplied when loading Provincial Medical or Workers Compensation information:

Component Functional Description File Discriminator
Organization The organization to update with Provincial Medical and Workers Compensation account details. Organization
Organization Classification The PSU details of the organization. This is required even if the organization exists and is already defined as a payroll statutory unit. OrgUnitClassification
Organization Extra Information Provincial Medical and Worker Compensation account details are held within flexfield segments and are loaded by the OrgInformation record. OrgInformation

Organization Attributes

Supply one Organization record for each PSU you are providing Provincial Medical or Workers Compensation account details for.

The Organization record type requires these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Functional Description
EffectiveStartDate The start date of the organization.
Name The name of the payroll statutory unit.
ClassificationName The name of the organization classification. Specify ‘Payroll Statutory Unit’.

Organization Classification Attributes

Supply one OrgUnitClassification record for each PSU you have defined. This is used to capture the PSU details for which to capture information held at the PSU level.

The OrgUnitClassification record type requires these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Functional Description
EffectiveStartDate The start date of the payroll statutory unit classification.
OrganizationName The name of the payroll statutory unit. This must match the value supplied to the Name attribute on the parent Organization record.
ClassificationName The name of the organization classification. Specify ‘Payroll Statutory Unit’.
LegislationCode The code of the legislation. Specify ‘CA’.
CategoryCode The category code of the classification. Specify ‘HCM_PSU_CA’.
Status The status of the classification. Specify ‘A’ for Active or ‘I’ for Inactive.

Organization Extra Information Attributes

Supply OrgInformation records for each combination of province/Workers Compensation and province/Provincial Medical combination, where applicable. This is used to capture the account and rate details for Provincial Medical and Workers Compensation, at the PSU level.

Supply details in this record for the PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF flexfield context.

The OrgInformation component record uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Functional Description
EffectiveStartDate The start date of the payroll statutory unit information.
OrganizationName The name of the payroll statutory unit. This must match the value supplied to the Name attribute on the parent Organization record.
ClassificationName The name of the organization classification. Specify ‘Payroll Statutory Unit’
LegislationCode The code of the legislation. Specify ‘CA’.
SequenceNumber The sequence number for the classification component record.
Note: This is sequential according to the component context. For example, if loading 2 provincial medical records and 1 for workers compensation, populate 1 and 2 for the provincial medical records and 1 for the workers compensation record.
EFF_CATEGORY_CODE The Payroll Statutory Unit For Canada category code for the extensible flexfield for the component record. Specify ‘HCM_PSU_CA’.
FLEX:PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF The organization flexfield context for the province. Specify one of the flexfield contexts listed in the tables below.
OrgInformationContext Supply the same value as the FLEX:PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF attribute value.

Provincial Medical Account Flexfield Contexts

Provincial Medical is applicable only to the provinces that have provincial medical coverage funded by the employer. The province determines the flexfield code to use for provincial medical data.

The province determines the flexfield code to use:

Province Flexfield Context Name Flexfield Context Code
Flexfield Context Code British Columbia Provincial Medical Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_BC_DETAIL
Manitoba Manitoba Provincial Medical Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_MB_DETAIL
Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Medical Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_NL_DETAIL
Ontario Ontario Provincial Medical Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_ON_DETAIL
Quebec Quebec Provincial Medical Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_QC_DETAIL

Workers Compensation Flexfield Contexts

The province determines the flexfield code to use for Workers Compensation data:

Province Flexfield Context Name Flexfield Context Code
Alberta Alberta Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_AB_DETAIL
British Columbia British Columbia Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_BC_DETAIL
Manitoba Manitoba Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_MB_DETAIL
New Brunswick New Brunswick Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_NB_DETAIL
Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_NL_DETAIL
Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_NS_DETAIL
Northwest Territories Northwest Territories Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_NT_DETAIL
Nunavut Nunavut Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_NU_DETAIL
Ontario Ontario Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_ON_DETAIL
Ontario Workers Compensation ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_ON_HEADER
Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_PE_DETAIL
Quebec Quebec Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_QC_DETAIL
Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_SK_DETAIL
Yukon Yukon Account Details ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_YT_DETAIL
Note: There are two flexfield contexts available for Ontario.

Flexfield Segment Attributes

Use the View Business Objects task, navigating to the Flexfield Attributes tab to review the list of attributes supported for each flexfield context. These can be summarised as follows:

Provincial Medical Account Flexfield Segment Attributes

Change the Xx code within the attribute name and flexfield context to the province code. For example, oraHrxCaBcPmUnique(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF=ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_BC_DETAIL) for British Columbia.

HCM Data Loader Attribute Functional Description
oraHrxCaXxPmUnique(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_XX_DETAIL) The unique number identifier of the Provincial Medical flexfield data. Enter a unique number for each record of this type.
oraHrxCaXxPmAcctNumber(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_XX_DETAIL) The Provincial Medical Account Number associated with the Provincial Medical Carrier.
oraHrxCaXxPmAcctName(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_XX_DETAIL) The Provincial Medical Account Name associated with the Provincial Medical Carrier.
oraHrxCaXxPmDefaultAcct(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_XX_DETAIL) The default account for the province or the Provincial Medical Carrier. Specify ‘Y’ or ‘N’.
Note: Only one account per province or carrier can be set as the default.
oraHrxCaXxPmStartAnnPay(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_XX_DETAIL) The Starting Annual Payroll threshold.
oraHrxCaXxPmRate(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_PM_XX_DETAIL) The rate used to calculate the Provincial Medical liability for the account.
Note: Certain employees may be exempt from Provincial Medical premiums. The exempt status is set at the assignment level to ensure that provincial medical calculations are not processed for the exempted employees.

The option to calculate the liability in the payroll run for Ontario. Specify ‘Y’ or ‘N’. Leave this attribute out if you are not loading data for Ontario.

Note: This attribute is only applicable to Ontario.
Note: For the province of Quebec we capture only the rate. The account number and name are not required for Quebec as the provincial medical account number is the Quebec Identification Number (QIN). The payment range details are read-only, with the Starting Annual Payroll set to 0 and the Ending Annual Payroll set to 999,999,999,999.99. The value you enter in the Rate field is used to calculate the employer liability.

Workers Compensation

Change the Xx code within the attribute name and flexfield context to the province code. For example, oraHrxCaBcUnique(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF=ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_BC_DETAIL) for British Columbia.

HCM Data Loader Attribute Functional Description
oraHrxCaXxUnique(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_XX_DETAIL) The unique number identifier of the Workers Compensation flexfield data. Enter a unique number for each record of this type.
oraHrxCaXxAcctNumber(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_XX_DETAIL) The Workers Compensation Account Number associated with the Workers Compensation Board.
OraHrxCaXxAcctName(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_XX_DETAIL) The Workers Compensation Account Name associated with the Workers Compensation Board.
OraHrxCaXxDefault(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_XX_DETAIL) The default account for the province or the Workers Compensation Board. Specify ‘Y’ or ‘N’.
Note: Only one account per province or board can be set as the default.
oraHrxCaXxClUnit(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_XX_DETAIL) The Classification Unit for the Workers Compensation Account.
oraHrxCaXxClUnitDesc(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_XX_DETAIL) The Classification Unit Description for the Workers Compensation Account.
oraHrxCaXxRate(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_XX_DETAIL) The rate used to calculate the Workers Compensation liability for the Classification Unit.
Note: A Classification Unit cannot have two different rates for the same province. If a province has two different rates, you must define two different Classification Units.
oraHrxCaXxDefaultRate(PER_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_PSU_WC_XX_DETAIL) The default rate for the Workers Compensation Account. Specify ‘Y’ or ‘N’.
Note: Only one rate can be set as the default per account.