Guidelines for Loading Canadian Workers Compensation Overrides at the Job Level

Workers Compensation overrides at the job level are created using the Job HCM Data Loader business object.

To upload Workers Compensation overrides these components of the Job object hierarchy are used:

Component Functional Description File Discriminator
Job The job to override Workers Compensation data for. Job
Job Legislative Extra Information Worker Compensation details are held within flexfield segments and are loaded by the JobLegislative record. JobLegislative

Job Attributes

Supply one Job record for each job to provide overrides for.

The Job record uses these attributes to identify the existing job you are updating:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Functional Description
EffectiveStartDate The start date of the job.
SetCode The set code of the job.
JobCode The code that identifies the job.

Job Legislative Extra Information Attributes

Supply one JobLegislative component record for each job to provide overrides for. These are held on the PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF flexfield.

Workers Compensation overrides at the job level are held on the on JOB_LEG flexfield category with this flexfield context:

  • Canada Workers Compensation Job Information (ORA_HRX_CA_WC_JOBS)

Supply these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Functional Description
EffectiveStartDate The start date of the Workers Compensation override information.
SetCode The set code of the job. Specify the same value as in the SetCode of the Job component record.
JobCode The code that identifies the job. Specify the same value as in the JobCode of the Job component record.
LegislationCode The code of the legislation. Specify ‘CA’.
SequenceNumber The sequence number for the component record. Enter a unique number for each record of this type. If multiple rows for the same type, increase each row number by 1.
EFF_CATEGORY_CODE The flexfield context category code that is used to supply the Workers Compensation overrides. Specify ‘JOB_LEG‘.
FLEX:PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF The flexfield context code, specify ‘ORA_HRX_CA_WC_JOBS’
InformationCategory The flexfield context code, specify ‘ORA_HRX_CA_WC_JOBS’
oraHrxCaWcJobUniqueSeg(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_WC_JOBS) The sequence number for the component record. Enter a unique number for each record of this type. If multiple rows for the same type, increase each row number by 1.
oraHrxCaWcJobPsu(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_WC_JOBS) The ID used to identify the Workers Compensation Payroll Statutory Unit override value of the component record.
oraHrxCaWcJobProv(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_WC_JOBS) The geocode that identifies the Workers Compensation Province override value.
oraHrxCaWcJobClUnit(PER_JOBS_LEG_EFF= ORA_HRX_CA_WC_JOBS) The Workers Compensation Classification Unit override value of the component record.
Note: This is a combination of the Workers Compensation Account Number and Classification Unit value, concatenated with an underscore value (for example, <Account Number>_<Classification Unit>).
Note: Refer to the Cloud Customer Connect topic: BI Publisher Report: Canada Workers Compensation Classification Units for Overrides for a report that extracts the values required for the PSU, Province and Classification Unit flexfield segment attributes.