Guidelines for Loading Candidates

This topic describes the considerations for loading Candidates using HCM Data Loader (HDL).

Candidate Number

You should provide the candidate number as a combination of alphanumeric and special characters underscore (_) or hyphen (-).

Candidate Confirmed indicator and Start Date

You should set the candidate confirmed indicator to 'Y' and ensure that the start date of the candidate isn't greater than the current date for the candidate to be searchable.

Deleting External Candidate

You can delete an external candidate only if there are no confirmed active job applications for the candidate.

Setting the Preferred Mode of Communication

You can either set the email address or the phone number of the candidate as a preferred mode of communication. If the preferred mode isn't specified in the candidate.dat file, then the email address of the candidate is chosen by default. Duplicate checks are run on the preferred mode.

Note: You can only load external candidates using candidate.dat. Internal candidates are loaded using worker.dat. Phone numbers uploaded via HCM Data Loader are considered as verified and correct. Hence, candidates won't be able to edit them on external career sites. If you want the phone number to be editable, don’t load it via HCM Data Loader.

AddToPoolName Attribute

You should remove this attribute while loading the Candidate.dat file for a specific candidate for the second time. This attribute is provided as a quick measure to add the candidate to a pool and therefore should not be reused on the same candidate in the second HDL load.