Guidelines for Loading Card Components for Canadian Reporting Information Cards

There are multiple reporting cards available on the Canadian Reporting Information card.

They are loaded using the same record types, the difference being the flexfield context and segments applicable to each card component.

Reporting Information Card Component Record Hierarchy

Reporting Information Card Component Record Hierarchy

To create a card component for the Reporting Information card,cardcomponentforou need to supply two record types: Card Component and Component Detail. The detail creates data within flexfield segments applicable to the component.

Card Component Attributes for Reporting Information

All Reporting Information card components uses these attributes:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName A unique identifier for the Reporting Information card component. For new card components supply the source key attributes. You can also identify card components with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the card component definition.
DirCardId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName

The parent Reporting Information calculation card should be identified by using the same key type used to identify the calculation card.

When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the calculation card’s SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent calculation card
EffectiveStartDate N/A The start date of the Reporting Information card component.
EffectiveEndDate N/A The end date is optional for the card component.
DirCardCompDefName N/A The component definition name. Specify one of:
  • ROE Data
  • ROE Comments
  • ROE Other Monies
  • ROE Special Payments
  • ROE Statutory Holiday Pay
  • ROE Vacation Pay
  • ROE Comments
  • Quebec Labour Standards Contribution
  • Year-end Data
ComponentSequence N/A The number to uniquely identify this card component when multiple card components with the same DirCardCompDefName exist. Specify ‘1’ if using user keys. Not required when source keys are used.
Context1 N/A The payroll ID of the employee’s payroll. Refer to Cloud Customer Connect topic Report: Canadian Payrolls.
Context2 N/A The reference code for the card component. A code that uniquely identifies the component. It is user-defined and is used to further specify the component.
Context3 N/A The name of the employee’s tax reporting unit to associate with the component.

These attributes are supplied against the CardComponent file discriminator and must be supplied along with a CalculationCard record for the parent Reporting Information card.

Component Detail Attributes for Reporting Information

The component detail record type allows you to upload data into flexfield segments.

In addition to the attributes defined here, include the necessary flexfield segment attribute values for the flexfield context and card component:

Card Component Flexfield Context Code
Quebec Labour Standards Contribution ORA_HRX_CA_LABOUR_STANDARDS

Core attributes for Component Details:

HCM Data Loader Attribute Alternative User Key Attributes Functional Description
SourceSystemId CardSequence, ComponentSequence, DirInformationCategory, LegislativeDataGroupName, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, DirCardCompDefName A unique identifier for the component detail. For new component detail records supply the source key attributes. You can also identify card components with the user key attributes.
SourceSystemOwner N/A The name of the source system owner used to generate the source system ID.
LegislativeDataGroupName N/A The name of the legislative data group for the card component definition.
DirCardId(SourceSystemId) CardSequence, ComponentSequence, AssignmentNumber, DirCardDefinitionName, LegislativeDataGroupName, DirCardCompDefName

The parent card component should be referenced using the same key type used to identify the parent record.

When using source keys, supply this attribute with the value supplied for the card component’s SourceSystemId attribute. Otherwise, supply the user key attributes with the same values as the parent card component.
DirCardCompDefName N/A

The name of the card component this detail is for. This is used to identify the flexfield context and should be supplied even when a source key is used to identify the parent card component. Valid values are:

  • ROE Data
  • ROE Other Monies
  • ROE Special Payments
  • ROE Statutory Holiday Pay
  • ROE Vacation Pay
  • ROE Comments
  • Quebec Labour Standards Contribution
  • Year-End Components
DirInformationCategory N/A The code for the flexfield context applicable to the card component. These are listed above this table. For example, supply ‘ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_REASON’ for the ROE Data card component.
FLEX:Deduction DeveloperDF N/A Supply the same value as for the DirInformationCategory attribute.
EffectiveStartDate N/A The start date of the component detail, or update to the component detail if you are providing date-effective history. This must be after or equal to the EffectiveStartDate provided for the parentcard component.
EffectiveEndDate N/A The optional end date of the component detail, or if you are providing date-effective history the last day of the date-effective changes.

The attributes used to populate the flexfield segments differ depending on the flexfield context.

You can find the current flexfield segment attribute names for each flexfield context using the View Business Objects task. However, the relevant attributes are listed here.

ROE Data Card Component Flexfield Segment Attributes

These attributes are available for the ROE Data card component and ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_REASON flexfield context code:

HCM Data Loader Attribute UI Prompt Functional Description
oraHrxCaRoeReasonCode(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_REASON) Reason for Issuing ROE

The reason for issuing the Record of Employment. This attribute is validated using the lookup type ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_REASON_CODES.

This attribute is mandatory when loading the ROE Data card component.
expectedRecallCode(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_REASON) Expected Recall Code

The expected recall code for the employee. This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_RECALL_CODES. Specify the lookup code to this attribute.

Enter ‘ORA_U’ if the value is unknown.
expectedRecallDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_REASON) Expected Recall Date The expected recall date for the employee
overrideFirstDayWorked(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_REASON) Override First Day Worked The override of the first day worked for the employee.
overrideTerminationDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_REASON) Override Last Day for Which Paid The override of the last day for which the employee was paid.

ROE Other Monies Card Component Flexfield Segment Attributes

These attributes are available for the ROE Other Monies card component and ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_OTHER_MONIES flexfield context code:

HCM Data Loader Attribute UI Prompt Functional Description
payType(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_OTHER_MONIES) Pay Type The pay type associated with the ROE Other Monies. This attribute is mandatory and validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_PAY_TYPE. Supply the lookup code.
payCode(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_OTHER_MONIES) Pay Code The pay code associated with the ROE Other Monies. This attribute is mandatory and validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_OM_PAY_CODES. Supply the lookup code.
startDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_OTHER_MONIES) Start Date The start date associated with the ROE Other Monies.
endDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_OTHER_MONIES) End Date The end date associated with the ROE Other Monies.
amount(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_OTHER_MONIES) Amount The amount associated with the ROE Other Monies.
otherMoniesAmountType(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_ CA_ROE_OTHER_MONIES) Report the amount in the final pay period? Specifies whether the ROE Other Monies amount is reported in the final pay period or not. Specify ‘Y’ or ‘N’. The default is ‘Y’.

ROE Special Payments Card Component Flexfield Segment Attributes

These attributes are available for the ROE Special Payments card component and ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_SPECIAL_PAYMENTS flexfield context code:

HCM Data Loader Attribute UI Prompt Functional Description
payCode(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_SPECIAL_PAYMENTS) Pay Code The pay code associated with the ROE Special Payments. This attribute is mandatory and validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_SP_PAY_CODES
startDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_SPECIAL_PAYMENTS) Start Date The start date associated with the ROE Special Payments.
endDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_SPECIAL_PAYMENTS) End Date The end date associated with the ROE Special Payments.
amount(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_SPECIAL_PAYMENTS) Amount The amount associated with the ROE Special Payments.
period(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_SPECIAL_PAYMENTS) Period The period associated with the ROE Special Payments. This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_SP_PERIOD. Supply the lookup code.

ROE Statutory Holiday Pay Card Component Flexfield Segment Attributes

These attributes are available for the ROE Statutory Holiday Pay card component and ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_STATUTORY_HOLIDAY_PAY flexfield context code:

HCM Data Loader Attribute UI Prompt Functional Description
payDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_STATUTORY_HOLIDAY_PAY) Date The pay date associated with the ROE Statutory Holiday Pay. This is mandatory when creating ROE Statutory Holiday Pay card components.
amount(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_STATUTORY_HOLIDAY_PAY) Amount The amount associated with the ROE Statutory Holiday Pay. This is mandatory when creating ROE Statutory Holiday Pay card components.

ROE Vacation Pay Card Component Flexfield Segment Attributes

These attributes are available for the ROE Vacation Pay card component and ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_VACATION_PAY flexfield context code:

HCM Data Loader Attribute UI Prompt Functional Description
payType(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_VACATION_PAY) Pay Type The pay type associated with the ROE Vacation Pay. This attribute is mandatory and validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_PAY_TYPE. Supply the lookup code.
payCode(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_VACATION_PAY) Pay Code The pay code associated with the ROE Vacation Pay. This attribute is mandatory and validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_VP_PAY_CODES. Supply the lookup code.
startDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_VACATION_PAY) Start Date The start date associated with the ROE Vacation Pay.
endDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_VACATION_PAY) End Date The end date associated with the ROE Vacation Pay.
amount(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_VACATION_PAY) Amount The amount associated with the ROE Vacation Pay.

ROE Comments Card Component Flexfield Segment Attributes

These attributes are available for the ROE Comments card component and ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_COMMENTS flexfield context code:

HCM Data Loader Attribute UI Prompt Functional Description
comments(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_ROE_COMMENTS) Comments Comments entered as free-form text for the ROE. The maximum value for entry is 150 characters.

Quebec Labour Standards Contribution Card Component Flexfield Segment Attributes

These attributes are available for the Quebec Labour Standards Contribution card component and ORA_HRX_CA_LABOUR_STANDARDS flexfield context code:

HCM Data Loader Attribute UI Prompt Functional Description
parityCommitteeName(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_LABOUR_STANDARDS) Parity Committee Name The name of the parity committee. This attribute is validated using the lookup ORA_HRX_CA_PARITY_COMMITTEE_NAME.

Year-End Data Card Component Flexfield Segment Attributes

These attributes are available for the Year-End Data card component and ORA_HRX_CA_EOY_DATA flexfield context code:

HCM Data Loader Attribute UI Prompt Functional Description
RL-2RPPorDPSPSinglePaymentDate(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_EOY_DATA) RL-2 RPP or DPSP Single Payment Date Date of the payment made under a registered pension plan (RPP) or a deferred profit-sharing plan (DPSP).
rl2IncomeType(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_EOY_DATA) RL-2 Type of Income An override to the source of income for an employee. If none of the options apply, select 'Other plan or fund’ and enter the RL-2 Type of Plan field (see below). This will report 'AUTRE' in the Provenance box along with Other Info code 201.
rl2PlanType(Deduction Developer DF=ORA_HRX_CA_EOY_DATA) RL-2 Type of Plan The type of plan to report on the RL-2, if you selected 'Other plan or fund’ for the RL-2 Type of Income.