Guidelines for Loading Document Delivery Preferences

Employers periodically deliver documents, such as payslips and year-end tax statements, to workers. Document delivery preferences specify how workers receive those documents.

For example, workers may receive their payslips online. You can specify a default delivery method for a document type, and you can override the default method on relevant work structures. For example, delivery preferences for payroll documents can be overridden at Payroll Statutory Unit level. You can also specify delivery preferences for a person. Preferences specified at person level override those at all other levels. This topic describes how to load Document Record Delivery Preference objects for a person using HCM Data Loader.

Document Type

Before you can load document delivery preferences for a person:

  • The document type must exist in the target environment.

  • Document delivery preferences must be enabled for the document type. In the document type definition, Override Hierarchy must be set to either Payroll or General, as appropriate. For example, if you're loading delivery preferences for performance documents, then Override Hierarchy must be set to General.

Loading Document Delivery Preferences

You load document delivery preferences for a person in a DocumentDeliveryPreference.dat file.

This example DocumentDeliveryPreference.dat file loads document delivery preference records. These records are for the document type identified by source key DT1345 and the three people identified by the person number user key.
