Guidelines for Loading Event Groups Related to Time Card Resubmission

Event groups correlate event points, such as changes to someone's assignment record, which would require a retroactive recalculation of time cards. Load these groups using HCM Data Loader and a .zip file that contains the EventGroups.dat file.

Note: Load the .zip file, not the EventsGroup.dat file.

The EventGroup business object includes these attributes:

  • DateTrackedEvent: Attribute to identify data changes that start retroactive time card calculations, associated with the EventGroup through the EventGroupCode
  • EventValueChange: Criteria to qualify a change that starts an event
  • EventValueQualifier: Other contextual information to enforce when deciding the validity of an event

You can omit EventValueChange and EventValueQualifier attributes in the METADATA and MERGE rows as appropriate. For example, When the FromValue and ToValue attribute values are both <ANY_VALUE>, you don't need to add the METADATA and MERGE rows for EventValueChange. The load process has a business rule that when EventValueChange doesn't have a row for a DateTrackedEvent, it implies an <ANY_VALUE> to <ANY_VALUE> change.

Tip: To identify that the event group is for time card resubmission you need to make the EventGroupType attribute value A.