Guidelines for Loading Grades

A grade identifies a worker's rank or level of compensation. You can create grades either with or without grade steps. This topic describes aspects of the Grade object that you must understand to load grades successfully.

Grade Steps

If you're using grade steps, then load one Grade Step component for each grade step.

Changing Logical Start Dates for Grades

You can change the first effective start date for an existing grade. However, the new effective start date must be before the existing effective start date. Create Grade objects with effective start dates on or before the start dates of other objects that refer to your grades.

Loading Translated Grade and Grade-Step Names

Supply grade and grade-step names in the language of the user who's loading them. You supply a GradeTranslation.dat file to translate grade names into other enabled languages once the grades exist. You supply a GradeStepTranslation.dat file to translate grade-step names.

This example GradeTranslation.dat file translates the names of existing grades. It identifies the grades by their source keys.

MERGE|GradeTranslation|VISION|IC1|1951/01/01|FR|Contributeur individuel 

This example GradeStepTranslation.dat file translates the names of existing grade steps. It identifies the grade steps by their source keys.

MERGE|GradeStepTranslation|VISION|LT_CDR1|1951/01/01|FR|Niveau 1
MERGE|GradeStepTranslation|VISION|LT_CDR2|1951/01/01|FR|Niveau 2
MERGE|GradeStepTranslation|VISION|LT_CDR3|1951/01/01|FR|Niveau 3

Deleting Grades

You can delete a Grade object using HCM Data Loader, provided that it's not referenced by other objects, such as Assignment, Job, or Grade Rate. This example Grade.dat file deletes existing grades and any associated grade steps. It identifies grades by their source keys.
