Guidelines for Loading Offerings to Oracle Learning

You can load self-paced, instructor-led (ILT) or blended offerings using the Offering component of the Course object. The course that an offering links to must exist in Oracle Learning before you load the offering.

To verify that the course successfully loaded, use the Offerings task on the My Client Groups > Learning page. 

General Validations

The load process does these validations on create:

  • The PersonId value isn't null and the Person and InstructorResource objects already exist for the provided PersonId value
  • The InstructorResourceNumber value exists in Oracle Learning
  • The OwnedByPersonId value isn't null and the Person object already exists for the provided OwnedByPersonId value
  • The OfferingNumber value doesn't already exist in Oracle Learning
  • The Title, OfferingType, and CourseId values aren't null

It also does these validations:

  • The Person object exists for the provided PersonID or OwnedByPersonId values
  • The course details for the provide CourseLearningItemId value exist in Oracle Learning
  • The Questionnaire record for the provided QuestionnaireCode value exists in Oracle Learning
  • A default questionnaire for the provided OfferingId value doesn't exist
  • The PublishStartDate value is before the PublishEndDate value
  • The offering PublishStartDate value is after the course PublishStartDate value
  • The MinimumCapacity value is 0 or a positive whole number
  • The MaximumCapacity value is a positive whole number
  • The MinimumCapacity value is less than the MaximumCapacity value
  • The EnableCapacity and EnableWaitList values are either 'Y' and 'N'
  • The AccessPermissionId and TrainingSupplierId values exist in Oracle Learning
  • The FacilitatorType value is ORA_TRNG_VENDOR or ORA_INSTRUCTOR
  • The values for these attributes aren't empty or null:

    • EffectiveStartDate
    • OfferingStartDate
    • OfferingEndDate
    • MaximumCapacity when the EnableCapacity value is 'Y'
    • PrimaryLocation ILT and blended offerings

      • For virtual classrooms, set the PrimaryLocationId value -1
      • For not defined classrooms, set the PrimaryLocationId value -2
    • Coordinator
    • FacilitatorType when you provide either a PrimaryInstructorId or TrainingSupplierId value
    • TrainingSupplierId when the FacilitatorType value is ORA_TRNG_VENDOR
    • PrimaryInstructorId when FacilitatorType is ORA_INSTRUCTOR
  • An offering has only one evaluation activity otherwise the process ends in error

    • To use the default evaluation, for QuestionnaireCode, enter -1. To use a specific evaluation, enter its questionnaire code.