Guidelines for Loading Prospect

A prospect can be of four types, namely Added, Agency Referral, Imported, and Referred.

This topic describes the considerations for loading prospects of the type "Added" using HCM Data Loader (HDL).


User Key

The user key for prospect is RequisitionNumber, CandidateNumber.


You can add prospects from various contexts such as Candidate Pool, Requisition, and Candidate Search by specifying the context type codes ORA_CANDIDATE_POOL, ORA_CANDIDATE_SEARCH and ORA_REQUISITION respectively.


You should provide the requisition details AddedFromRequisitionId or AddedFromRequisitionNumber of the requisition from which the prospect is being added. The candidate should be an applicant or a prospect to the requisition from which it's getting added.


You should provide the AddedFromPoolId or AddedFromPoolName, and the AddedFromPoolStatus of the candidate pool from which the prospect is being added. The candidate should be a member of the candidate pool from which it's getting added.

Note: You can't add the same candidate as a prospect to a requisition from different contexts.


It's not possible to delete prospects. You can soft delete prospects by specifying InactivateFlag as 'Y'.


  • You may send emails inviting candidates to apply for jobs by setting the SendInviteFlag as Y. If you don't want emails to be sent to candidates, then set it to N.

  • You can't add prospects to a linked requisition. A prospect can only be added to a standard or pipeline requisition that's posted, except for confidential job requisitions to which you can add prospects in open phase and not posted state.


AddedByPersonId must be provided when creating a prospect. Adding a prospect to a job requisition must be performed by a job requisition team member.

Source Tracking

You can add source tracking information by providing the source and source medium. If you don't provide source information while creating the record, a default entry for source data will be created. Source tracking information can't be updated once created.

Rules for Requisition

  • The following table lists the types of candidates and the requisition types they can apply for.

Requisition Type

Who can apply


Internal Candidates


External Candidates

Internal and external

Internal and External candidates


Internal and External candidates

  • Prospect added to a requisition should not be canceled, filled or suspended.

  • You can't add a candidate as a prospect to the requisition if it's already present as an active applicant on the requisition.

Prospect Interaction

A prospect interactions is always in the context of a job requisition. A job requisition team member adds a prospect interaction to a job requisition.


Interactions may consist of phone calls, emails, text messages, and in-person meetings.


You must provide AddedByPersonId when you're creating a prospect interaction.

InteractionDate and InteractionType

You must provide InteractionDate and InteractionType when you create a prospect interaction. InteractionDate should be on or before today's date.