Guidelines for Loading Salary Basis Components Using HCM Data Loader

To specify whether you're loading salary basis components to itemize salary adjustments, use the ComponentUsage attribute of the Salary Basis object. Valid values are in the CMP_COMPONENT_USAGE lookup type, described here.

Value Meaning
NO_COMPONENT Components aren't used and aren't loaded with the Salary Basis object.
SELECTED_COMPONENTS Components are used and are loaded with the Salary Basis object.
USER_DECIDES_USAGE Managers select the components to use when adjusting salary. Components aren't loaded with the Salary Basis object.

If you set ComponentUsage to SELECTED_COMPONENTS, load the components using the SalaryBasisComponent discriminator. If you omit ComponentUsage, the loader assumes NO_COMPONENT.

Tip: If you're unsure about component usage, specify USER_DECIDES_USAGE because it's the least restrictive.

You need to provide one Salary Basis Component record for each component type. To identify the component type, such as PROMOTIONAL, COST_OF_LIVING, or ADJUSTMENT, use the AttributeValue attribute. Valid values are in the CMP_SALARY_COMPONENTS lookup type. Use the Manage Base Pay Lookups task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to manage the lookup type.