Guidelines for Loading Specializations to Oracle Learning Using SpecializationV3

You can load specializations to the Oracle Learning catalog. If you have activity sequencing turned on, use the SpecializationV3 object. If it's turned off, use Specialization.

Tip: Unused Attributes can get deprecated, so always use the most recent .dat file.

To verify that the specialization successfully loaded, use the Specialization task on the My Client Groups > Learning page.

Here's the hierarchy and processing order for these learning objects:

  1. SpecializationV3

    1. SpecializationDefaultAccessV3
    2. SpecializationSectionV3

      1. SpecializationSectionActivityV3
  2. SpecializationV3Translation
  3. SpecializationSectionV3Translation

When you create the specialization hierarchy, you need to create the sections and activities in a separate DAT file from the specializations. Here's how you create the complete specialization hierarchy:

  1. Load the SpecializationV3 object using a single SpecializationV3.dat file.

    Make sure that the SpecializationNumber doesn't exceed 26 characters. Otherwise the autogenerated SectionNumber for the default section will exceed 30 characters and result in an HCM Data Loader error.

  2. Load the SpecializationSectionV3 and SpecializationSectionActivityV3 components together in a separate SpecializationV3.dat file.

    • Make sure that the .dat file also includes the parent SpecializationV3 reference, even if you aren't updating the parent. Otherwise the load process fails with an error.
    • For all activities, include the parent SpecializationSectionV3 row in the dat file.

Default Section

The load process automatically does this work for the default section of an offering:

  • Sets SectionTitle to Default Section.
  • Automatically generates the SectionNumber value using the parent SpecializationNumber and the _SEC suffix. For example, if the offering number is SPECIAL-202104280937-HDL, then the generated section number is OFFERING-202104280937-HDL_SEC.
  • Sets Position to 1. If you add more sections to the specialization, set the Position values in the appropriate sequence, starting at 2.
  • Sets ShowSectionIfSingleSectionExists to N so that the section isn't visible to learners. If you add more sections to the specialization, the load process ignores any value for this attribute. This attribute is equivalent to the Enable as a visible section to learners option on the Activities tab of the specialization details page.

SpecializationV3 DAT File Structure with Attributes



