Guidelines for Loading Training Suppliers to Oracle Learning

You can create, update, and delete training suppliers in Oracle Learning using the TrainingSupplierResource object. You can also associate a training supplier while loading classroom and instructor resources and purge (physically delete) classrooms and instructors.

Sample for Creating a Training Supplier

MERGE|TrainingSupplierResource||HDL_TRN_SUPP_01012023|CA Agency|This is a new training supplier||300100010473113|Active||||300100010473113||

Sample for Deleting a Training Supplier


Sample for Associating a Training Supplier with a Classroom

MERGE|ClassroomResource|RSC-201803081355-HDL|Title:RSC 201803081355 HDL|Desc:RSC 201803081355 HDL|30|8153757|DDT_US_Allenton _St Louis_MO|COMMON|8153757|HDL_TRN_SUPP_01012023