Guidelines for Loading Worker Schedules

A worker schedule defines a worker's shift pattern for a specified period. To load worker schedules using HCM Data Loader, use the Schedule Request object. This topic describes some aspects of worker schedules that you must understand to load them successfully.

Preparing to Load Worker Schedules

Before you load worker schedules, you must define shift codes and scheduler profiles. You can also define shift layouts, if required. This table identifies the relevant tasks. Perform these tasks in the Time Management work area.



Manage Shift Properties

Defines shift codes for all shifts

Manage Scheduler Profiles

Defines scheduler profiles. Ensure that each of the workers whose shifts you load appears in a scheduler profile.

Manage Layout Sets

Defines a shift layout for loaded time attributes. This task is optional. If you don't define the shift layout, then you can still load time attributes but you can't see them in the application.

You can also set up and enable notifications for schedulers and workers. This table identifies the notifications. Configure these notifications in the Alerts Composer work area.



HTS Worker Shifts Imported

Sent to managers and schedulers when a new schedule is loaded

HTS Schedule Publication

Sent to workers when a new schedule is published

Tip: You can also enable or disable worker notifications by setting the WorkerNotification attribute of the Schedule Event component when you load schedule requests.

How Worker Schedules Are Loaded

Unlike most other HCM Data Loader business objects, worker schedules aren't loaded from the HCM Data Loader stage tables to the application tables. Instead, worker schedules are loaded from the HCM Data Loader stage tables to the schedule stage tables. You must then run the Process Imported Shifts process to load worker schedules into either the planned or the planned and published schedule tables. You run the Process Imported Shifts process using the Manage Scheduled Processes task in the Time Management work area. This process:

  • Merges all schedule events for a worker from HCM Data Loader and REST services

  • Consolidates the schedule events for a worker from multiple schedule requests, orders them by request time, and processes them in this order

This approach to loading Schedule Request objects maintains data integrity. However, you see only basic validation errors from HCM Data Loader. Most validation is performed when Process Imported Shifts loads Schedule Request objects into the schedule tables.

Import Modes

When loading Schedule Request objects, you must set the ImportMode attribute of the Schedule Event component to either FULL or UPDATE. This table describes the import modes.

Import Mode



Use FULL mode when you create worker schedules. For example, use this mode to load worker schedules during implementation. When the mode is FULL, you must set the ShiftAction attribute of all Schedule Shift Event components in the Schedule Event to CREATE.


Use UPDATE mode to update or delete existing worker schedules. When the mode is UPDATE, you can create additional shifts, update existing shifts, or delete existing shifts. You set the ShiftAction attribute of the Schedule Shift Event component as appropriate.

Verifying Loaded Schedules

Time and labor managers and schedulers verify loaded schedules in the Time Management work area. They verify:

  • Planned schedules on the Manage Planned Schedule page

  • Published schedules using the View Published Schedule task

Workers view their published schedules using the calendar and Team Schedule pages of the Time work area.