Guidelines for Preparing to Load Workers

Before you load Worker objects, you must decide:

  • Whether you want user accounts to be created automatically for those workers.

  • Whether user credentials are to be sent automatically to new users.

  • Which roles are to be provisioned automatically to new users. User accounts created without at least one role are automatically suspended.

This topic describes each of these decisions.

Creating User Accounts Automatically

The enterprise option User Account Creation controls whether user accounts are created automatically for new workers, regardless of how those workers are created. If user accounts are created automatically in your enterprise, then you can prevent accounts being created for individual workers. To prevent account creation, include the GeneratedUserAccountFlag attribute of the User Information component and set it to N.

Note: If User Account Creation is set to None, then you can't override it for individual workers.

You can supply a user name in the User Information component of the Worker object that you upload. Otherwise, user names are in the default format for the default user category, as specified on the Security Console. The default user-name format is the primary work email. Any changes that you make to the default format for a user category apply to all new users in the category, regardless of how they're created.

Tip: New users are added to the default user category. You can move an existing user to a different user category by setting the UserCategory attribute of the User object.

Sending User Credentials to New Users

If you create user accounts automatically for uploaded workers, then you can notify the users automatically of their user names and passwords. Set the SendCredentialsEmailFlag attribute of the User Information component to Y for any worker who should receive this mail. SendCredentialsEmailFlag is set to N by default.

If you set SendCredentialsEmailFlag to Y for any worker, then you must ensure that a valid notification template is enabled for the default user category for this event. Two predefined templates exist:

  • The New Account Template is for notifying the user.

  • The New Account Manager Template is for notifying the user's manager.

You can also create notification templates. Notification templates are managed on the Security Console. Any changes made to notification templates apply to the user category.

Provisioning Roles to New Users

When a user account is created automatically for a worker, roles are provisioned automatically to the user as specified by current role-provisioning rules. Confirm that appropriate role mappings exist for users created by bulk upload.

Note: All user accounts must have at least one role to remain active. If appropriate role mappings don't exist and you're not loading roles for manual assignment, then the new user account is immediately suspended. To avoid this automatic suspension of the account, define role mappings for workers before you load those workers.