How You Check for Duplicate Person Records

When you load person records using HCM Data Loader, you can request a check for duplicate records. In this case, an error message is raised if you try to load a duplicate record.

This topic describes how to request duplicate checking for individual person records. It also describes how this option works in conjunction with the enterprise setting for duplicate checking.

Duplicate Checking for Individual Person Records

To request duplicate checking for a person record, you include the PersonDuplicateCheck attribute of the Worker object. This attribute can have one of the values shown in this table. The Description column identifies the attributes that the application uses in each case to identify duplicate records.



ORA_NONE or a blank value

No duplicate checking occurs


Either the last name, first-name initial, date of birth, and gender or the national ID


Either the last name, first-name initial, and date of birth or the national ID


Either the last name, first name, date of birth, and gender or the national ID


The national ID

For example, if you set PersonDuplicateCheck to ORA_LN_FI_DOB_NID, then a duplicate record is identified if one of these situations occurs:

  • The last name, first-name initial, and date of birth all match those of an existing person record.

  • The national ID matches that of an existing person record.

Note: National ID values must be formatted. For example, to load the US social security number 987-65-4322, you must include the hyphens. Don't specify the number as 987654322. If you omit the formatting, which is country-specific, then duplicate person records aren't found when the checking is based on national identifier.

Enterprise Duplicate Checking

The enterprise option Person Creation Service Duplicate Check controls whether checks for duplicate person records occur by default when you load person records in bulk. If you exclude the PersonDuplicateCheck attribute of the Worker object, then the current setting of Person Creation Service Duplicate Check applies. If you include the PersonDuplicateCheck attribute, then the current setting of Person Creation Service Duplicate Check is ignored for the relevant person record.